You're being adopted by who?!

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Hey guys, it's me.  I thought that now would be a good time to say that this story is set in about 2014.  Gee still has red hair, Gee also doesn't have a solo career, bandit isn't born in this story (I love her I promise I just didn't add her because it wouldn't work with the story) and mcr has already broken up.  Okie have fun reading

                    "Oh my god! Are you ok?!" Said one of the four.

                    "Yea, I think so."  I finally opened my eyes, because I was wincing from pain "I just bruised my tailbone I th.. oh my god.  Oh my god."

                     No way.  No way!  There is no way that My Chemical Romance is standing in front of me.  There is no way that Gerard Way just asked me if I was okay.  As a matter of fact, I'm not okay.  My butt was aching insanely.

                      "Are you sure you're alright? I can get the orphanage manager lady.  You look like your in pain" Say Ray Toro.  The Ray Toro.  My idol.

                      "Here, let me help you up" Said Lyn-z.  She pulled me to my feet and I finally got a good look at everyone.  Gerard and lyn-z were looking with me with worry, Mikey was in the back being quiet but still concerned, and Ray was getting Miss. Talgena, our "mother".  Frank wasn't there.  I was being swarmed with questions, but all I could do was stand there, dumbfounded, with my jaw hanging open like an idiot.

                     "W-wha?" Was all I could manage.

                    "Ah, she knows us" Mikey flashed a rare smiled. "I like your socks, by the way"

                   "T-thanks."  And then I flashed back to reality "You know BTS!?"

                    "She's alive!" Laughed Gerard.

                     "So, uh, w-what are you guys doing here?  I thought that you-"

                    "Broke up? Yea, we did.  We're still friends though.  And Lyn-z and I, we're going to adopt somebody today, and I just wanted to bring some friends along.  I think we already have someone in mind to adopt though"

                    "Oh" I sighed.  I should have expected that they were going to choose someone other than me, I was just hopeful.  I should know better though, because I've learned not to be hopeful. "I'll show you to The administrations office."

                      "Delilah!  You know better than to embarrass yourself in front of your adopters!  Go upstairs and get an ice pack, and stay in your room until I call you."  Said Miss Talgena

                     "I- uh.. y-yes Miss. Talgena."  I bolted upstairs.  I hated that the first and last time that I would see my idols would start with me falling down the stairs and ending with me getting yelled at.  I closed my door and sat on my bed to process what happened.  Mikey smiled, I touched Lyn-z's hand an- wait.  Did Miss Talgena say your adopters?

Adopted by My Chemical  RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now