Tilting her head to the side in thought. The girl had spent hours upon hours scribbling on the paper until she figured it out she became almost flabbergasted.

"Of course," Aria blabbered out looking down at the paper her hand almost shaking from being so sleep deprived as she rubbed her eyes blinking blankly. "It's an anagram -- Tom Marvolo Riddle is really..." she trailed off scrambling the words. "I Am Lord Voldemort."

The name that fell out of her mouth almost made her feel like she wanted to puke as she briskly gathered her stuff and rushed downstairs only to see no one in the common room.
"Where the bloody hell is everyone when you need them?" she cursed before crawling out of the gryffindor entrance and heading straight towards Dumbledore.

Yet as if a strong electric source was controlling her body; step by step. The girl was lead to moaning myrtle's bathroom only to see a younger looking man with dark hair and dark almost captivating eyes which felt as if they were piercing her soul.

Aria swallowed at the sight of him when the door shut behind him.
"Tom," Aria stated in realization a shiver running up her spin as it rolled off her tongue.
"It's nice to finally meet you Aria however I only wish it was under better circumstances."
"It was all you wasn't it? Colin, Justin, Penelope, and Hermione -- they were harmless - innocent people, how could you do such a thing?"
"Innocent," he hissed out "they are unworthy of magic is what they are."
"The are just as worthy of magic as the rest of us, their muggle parentage does not affect their magic abilities at all." 

"Such a disappointment," Tom ticked out "I had such high expectations for you when you first found my journal."
"Sorry I didn't live up to your expectations," Aria let out a sarcastic chuckle "But as if it isn't clear as day, my life's goal isn't to please you."

Tom grinned almost a sickening grin before he grasped the girls wrist causing her breath to hitch and suddenly she felt extremly weak in the knees as ever thing seemed to go black.
Aria awoke with a short gasp escaping her lips as she sat up. Her eyes flickered around the dark chilling room that she was currently settled within. The girl tugged her robes closer to her as her hand went in her pocket she scrambled for her wand only to feel nothing she groaned before her eyes landed on a face down black robed figure with flaming red hair which caused her to perk up.
"Ginny!" Aria gasped crawling the short distance over to the girl coughing at the pain that shot through her body.
"Ginny- please don't be dead --" Aria begged turning the girl over and pulling her head into her lap slightly as she looked over the girl only to see that her face was white as marble, her eyes closed and chilling to the touch. She wasn't petrified which only meant one other thing the girl let out a choked sob.

"Oh my god -- Gin, come on. Wake up, we have to get out of here. I'm going to get us out of here--"
"I wouldn't be so sure of that." a males voice spoke up causing her neck to snap over to his direction.

"This is all your fault--" Aria choked out a tear slipping down her face. "she's -- she's -- you --"
"she's still alive." Tom cut the girl off twiddling her wand in his fingers,  "but only just."
"Why are you doing this to us?" Aria asked before shaking her head "I know i'm like some evil man's strange creation -- but Ginny's just a little girl. She's my best friends sister --"
"Do you know how important you are to the wizarding world? What you could do for them? If I take you know then just perhaps i'll be able to finally defeat them."

"Fine," Aria sniffled "then take me. choose me. Just let ginny go, please."
(a/n- pick me, choose me, love me.)

"I'm afraid I can't do that. She just knows too much and if you didn't have that connection to Harry which insures him to come down here and rescue you. Then perhaps you'd be dying for that reason too."

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