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{Begin video at the beginning of this paragraph, if possible. It gives it enough time to get to the rest of the part.}

Serina walks through the front doors, as she glances around.

Her eyes finding every guard, and gun in sight. She sighs, disappearing towards a female location for the pools. Many men gawking as she passes them.

She pulls into the room, undressing to the suit and grabbing the clothes. She steps into the blue, and purple lit imground pool area.

Serina sets her clothes next to the fogged widows surrouding the area. Her eyes catch a man slipping past her in the back, her curiosity slightly peaked.

She shakes her head standing and fixing her hair once again. She steps into the room, a soft music playing in the background.

**Start song here or earlier**

Her eyes stopped at Viggo's son, Iosef Tarasov, son of Viggo Tarasov.

Serina smirks as she steps farther out, her open toed heels making her legs better looking. Many men look away from the other women, their eyes captured on her beauty.

Serina approaches close to him as he was surrounded by women.
She stops close by, and looks around.

She sees movement but, thought nothing of it. She sees a few girls and a man moving towards her, dancing to the music.

She sway along with the other pretty women and the attactive man. Her eyes occasionally glancing to Iosef, who stared at her.

Her hips move with the beat, as sweat appears to glisten her body. Iosef stares intently as the women try to keep him from leaving.

Serina closes her eyes and moves her arms around her body sensually. Her focus was draining away by, a grunt not far away.

She pauses and stares on as she sees two men fly through a thin wooden rack and glass.

Serina takes her chance, pulling her gun out from her back. She holds it at Iosef, stepping up to him in her heels.

A man yelling next to her, she twists around, shooting the muscular man running at her. Two bullets lodging into his chest as he falls back into the blue pool.

Her grunts fill the air slightly as people bump her running away. She rolls her eyes, shooting another guard in a suit charging her.

Serina flips backwards and landing perfectly, and turning back away from people.

She looks back to Iosef, and points the gun at him. She glances to the side to see one of the original men killing the other on the ground.

Iosef tries to grab his own gun, the man and Serina pointing theirs to him.

Serina looks at the man, and sighs lightly. It was John, John Wick.

Another man shoots, Serina ducking behind a pillar.

John shoots bacj, blood from the man spraying behind him as he fell. Iosef taking his chance and running away towards the stairs to the club floor.

Serina stands, and looks back at John. He stares at her, as he approaches her.

"Who are you?!" He asks as he walks closer. Serina puts her gun up, stares at him, pulling her trigger at him.

Nothing seemed visible to him, and he turns, glancing back.

A man's brains splattered on the wall, John looks back.

Serina pulls on her tight pants over her heels, her top and her keather jacket. John gives her a confused look, and she checks her gun ammo.

A gun shot rings through towards John, Serina taking a shot. It lands perfectly between his eyes as she runs after Iosef.


John takes another way and shoots many guards. Serina focusing on Iosef's movement and sprinting after him.

John finds him first and shoots, the glass in front of Iosef guarding him as John shoots through the panes.

Iosef sprints up more stairs as Serina follows him. John staying close behind her as shoots at him, ultimately missing.

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