Cupid// Daniel Seavey

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*I wrote this for my ibf shes so cute and adorable and she loves Daniel so this is for her.*

"Lila, lets go we're going to be late." Me and my best friend were going to the first party of the summer. See she doesn't know it, but I'm setting her up with one of my friends named Daniel. They've liked each other for the longest times, but they don't think they've noticed each other. In reality they never shut up about each other. 

"Hi okay, lets go." Lila walks into the dining room wearing a short black lacy dress.

"What the shit- you look adorable."

"Adorable?" She says with a pout.

"You look drop dead gorgeous." I say smiling which makes her smile. She looks at me.

"You look stunning." She says fanning her self. I'm wearing a red lacy dress, the same kind of dress Lila is wearing, we bought them together. 

"You're driving tonight." I yell at her as I grab my phone and text Daniel.

Me: we're on our way!! get ready.

Daniel: Thank you for setting us up and Zach's going to be here too btw.

Me: shut up you dummy.

Daniel: hehehe:)

We get in the car and we're half way there, "Bella what are you so happy about?" Lila says looking at me. 

"Zach's going to be at the party." I say with a smile.

"Well I would assume that because you know him and his friends are throwing the party." Lila says shaking her head.

"Oh shush." I say as she parks in the drive way. See today's party isn't really a party it's a small like get together it's just me, Lila, Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, Jack, and Zach and a few of the guys from the baseball, basketball, and soccer team. 

We walk up to the door and knock, Lila and I both look nervous as fuck. Jack and Jonah are the ones to open the door, "Hello girls." Jack says with a smile wrapping his arms around us. 

"Hey Jack." We both say as we hug him back.

"And Jonah." I say wrapping my arm around him.

"Hello Bella." He says with a smile, when he hugs me he says, "Daniel and Zach are in the living room." 

I back away, "he told you?" I ask rolling my eyes.

Jonah smiles, "just me, Corbyn, and Jack. That's it."

"God I'm going to kill that boy."

Lila looks at me, "what are you killing Daniel over now?" 

I shake my head, "nada."

We walk into the living room and I look at Daniel and shake my head. Daniel shouts, "yo everyone shut up I got something to say." Me and Jonah die of laughter. Daniel gives us a look. "Okay so this might be cliche and stupid but I don't care. See I like this girl and she's great and I've liked her since I've laid eyes on her. Her names Lila," Daniel walks up to my best friend and grabs her hand. "I was wonder Lila Mae Knight, will you be my girlfriend?" He looks at her with a grin from eye to eye. 

She looks at me with a, 'you did this look'. And I shook my head. She looks back at Daniel, "yes. Yes Daniel James Seavey I will be your girlfriend." She smiles as she and Daniel hug. 

I sit on the couch with a cup in my hand, and Zach sits next to me. "You did this?" He looks at Daniel and Lila. 

"Yeah." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"You're like cupid," he says laughing.

"Funny Zachary." I say giving him a smile.

"Daniel also told me something," he said looking at me.

"He said?"

"You had a thing for someone in our group."

"Yeah I have for a while."

"Can I guess?"

"Sure, go ahead." I shake my head.


I shake my head.


I shake my head.


I shake my head once more.


I stop and look at him, he raises his eyebrows.

"Wanna go upstairs?"

"Zach I'm not into hooking up.."

"Neither am I, but I just wanna talk."

"Yeah yeah, okay." He gets up and leads me to his room.

*Lila's pov*

The parties over and it's just me, my boyfriend Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, Jack, and I assume that Bella and Zach are together because they both disappeared a while ago. 

Me and Daniel are laying on the couch, "hey Daniel can we go to your room?" I ask quietly  tapping him.

"Yeah sure." He says slowly getting up.

We walk out of the living room, and Jack yells "use protection guys." The boys laugh and get back to watching TV.

We walk into Daniels room, it's tightly and clean. His walls are dark blue, he has posters of The Beatles, Elvis, Michael Jackson, and a music related things. On the other side of his room he has a guitar and a keyboard and a desk, he also has a little couch and a TV. I walk in his room and look at everything just taking it in, his room smells like him and air freshener. 

"Lila come sit," he says motioning to his bed.

"You have Elvis on your wall," I say smiling. "I love Elvis." I turn around and walk towards him and sit on his bed.

"No one is ever in here." He says grabbing my hand.

"Excuse me?" I ask laughing.

"I've never had a girl in here, the only you. The guys are the only people in here." He says chuckling. 

"Well you know your mom and siblings are in here too." I comment.

"Well yeah," he says smiling.

I look into his eyes, his eyes. I've always loved his eyes. They're dark blue and when you look into them you get a welcoming feeling. You get all warm and cozy inside. His eyes were hard to read but gorgeous. Staring into them made your day. When he's angry it's the opposite. His eyes always looked different when he's feeling a different feeling. You'd never know what he was thinking, even if the eyes are the windows to the soul I get too caught up in what I'm feeling, and I kiss him. 

"Woah," he says smiling. He kisses me back and places his hand on my waist pulling my closer to him. I pull back to breathe, his eyes are full of lust. We kiss each other again, the kiss becoming deeper. 

Daniel pulls back, "Lila." He pauses, "can we do this?" I look at him and smile.

"I've been waiting for a long time Seavey, now is perfect."

"Bella really was cupid tonight," We laugh.

"Today Seavey," I said smirking kissing his jaw. And with that the first piece of clothing was taken off.

Why Don't We Imagines [completed set one]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora