The ship of dreams

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It was March 12,1912. I was 13 years old. I had just gotten home from a friends house and was helping my mom with dinner.It was raining outside and i was worried, as my dad should have been home by then.I kept looking out the window hoping that i would see him, but i could barely see through the heavy rain. Suddenly the door burst open and my dad walk, soaked and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Susan, Lily come sit! I have something to tell you!" I did what i was told, but i was confused. What was he so excited about? "Lily, i have a present for you. Remember you telling me you would like to go to America someday?" i nodded, still confused. He reached into his still soggy overcoat and pulled out four slightly damp third class boarding passes unto the Titanic.My eyes light up at the site of them,"you really got tickets unto the ship of dreams? Wow I'm going to America! Thank you dad!" I ran up to him and hugged him even though he was soaked, i gave him i kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear," I love you dad." I gave him an other quick hug and ran off. I was so happy I could barely believe it, but little did i know of what was to come and little did i know that boarding the Titanic would change my life forever.

I had been packed for weeks and the next day I would finally be leaving for America. After I put my little brother, Joseph, to bed I read for a while. I fell asleep with the book on my chest and i dreamt of what America would be like. I woke up early the next morning and ran to my parents' bedroom and jump on the bed."Mom, dad, wake up!lets go!" I shouted. My dad woke up with a start,"come on, dad get out of bed!" "Alright, alright I'm up" he said in a tired and slightly annoyed voice. I got dressed and put my blonde hair in a braid and tied it with a pink ribbon. I got Joseph ready and helped my parents with the luggage and we were off.

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