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'the six idiots plus one mean one plus three smart ones plus the other one'

Xiao.Jun: has anyone heard from Jiho in the past few days? she hasn't been on

Jenhoe: last i checked she was still holed up in her room with a bunch of snacks 

Hoe-eun: yeah that sounds like her

Xiao.Jun: what is she even doing though

Jenhoe: I don't know 

Jenhoe: but I've had to make dinner for myself for the past few days and it does NOT taste as good

Gaymin: well duh

Gaymin: no offense

Jihoe: guys please shut up

Jenhoe: just turn notifications off

Jihoe: oh duh

Jihoe: okay bye

Xiao.Jun: WAIT NO

Xiao.Jun: what are you even doing

Jihoe: watching dramas

Hoe-eun: you ignored us for days bc of dramas

Jihoe: yea

Jenhoe: we were all worried about you!

Jihoe: you could've checked on me you lazy paperclip 

Jenhoe: oh well

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