Chapter Eleven

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Sebastian's POV

It had been another week and I still remained in my bedroom. I didn't want to deal with the meetings, the constant talking about my arranged marriage and, most of all, I didn't want to deal with Princess Naomi.

After tossing and turning for fifteen minutes in my bed, I got up and walked to the balcony. It was a beautiful day, yet I was unhappy and lost deep in many thoughts. Thoughts of going to fetch Emily and running away with her, thoughts of me bringing her boldly into the palace and introducing her to my father as the woman that my heart oh so desires.

A knock on the door startled me.

"Come in," I called.

In walked my maid with my breakfast.

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry. You can return it back to the kitchen."

"Sir, I've been returning your breakfast for three days now. Why won't you eat your meals? Does this have to do with that other woman?"

"What other woman?" I asked sharply, eyebrows creasing. The last thing I wanted was the truth exposed before my father. He was already angry.

"I wouldn't— and haven't— said a word, but judging by that look in your eyes, I can tell she's special to you, and you went to great lengths sneaking her in here."

I blushed slightly. The memory of Emily and I that night, sneaking into my bedroom like teenagers, our naked bodies against each other in the outdoor Jacuzzi, all the things that would never ever happen again once I took Naomi to be my wife and my queen.

"Beatrice, I'm exhausted mentally."

"Ssshh, my son, please don't do this to yourself. Your mother wouldn't want this for you."

"I know. That's why she took off and took me with her. Father doesn't understand that, if I'm not happy, I won't be the king he wants me to be. He's just hard-headed and won't listen. I don't wish to marry Naomi."

"Yes, I know, but would you be feeling this exact way if that other woman hadn't shown up? I believe you should give Naomi a fair chance. Get to know her better before you develop a hatred for her. And if she still hasn't changed your heart then you should sort out the matter with your father."

"You think that's a good idea?" Beatrice was like a second mother to me. My early childhood revolved around her.

"I think it's a fair idea. Spend the day with her and see how that goes."


I was dressed and waiting by my personal vehicle. Naomi came several minutes later with a wide smile on her face. I opened the passenger door for her and got into the driver's seat afterwards. The bodyguards followed as I drove out the front entrance.

"Where are we going?" she asked as she tried to take my hand into hers. 

I brushed it away and placed my hand onto the steering wheel. Her smile faded and her posture sank into the seat.

"We're having a picnic by the lake," I answered.

"Okay. Will your father be present?"

"No. Just you and I."

"Why? Since my arrival, you've shut me out and completely ignored me. You've never acknowledged my presence, even if we're in the same room Sebastian!" She finished with a bit of a shout, which wasn't very ladylike of her.

"I'm sorry," was all I managed to say, but I truly was. I felt bad as she aired it all out and I had to sit there and take it all in.

"It's okay. I forgive you." 

Our hands wrapped around each other as I drove onward.

Arriving to the lake, the picnic space had already been set up and was only waiting to be unpacked and eaten by us.

We sat down, opposite each other, as the bodyguards stayed at a respectable distance. I unpacked the basket, laying everything onto the blanket. The day stayed sunny and beautiful as we dug into the delicious goodies.

"So, tell me something that's interesting about you," I made conversation as I bit into a blueberry muffin.

"I hated being trained as a princess. My mother wasn't easy on me and, at one point, I ran away from home."

"You ran away?" This came as a shock to me.

"Yes. It was around a Christmas season. Everyone was going out, celebrating, shopping, but I had princess duties. I just couldn't stand it at the time. I packed some clothing and shoes and I left."

"Where did you go?"

"To my grandmother's house."

I laughed and so did she. 

Who runs away to go to their grandma's house?

"Yes, I know it's sort of crazy and it's not exactly 'running away', but I was also a cautious teenager. I didn't know what was out there and that frightened me a lot. The idea of being lost, or running into the enemies."

"That's understandable. You're considerate of not just yourself, but your country as well."

"Yes, but, if you don't mind, can we talk about something other than our kingdoms? That's all my mother ever talks about. It would be nice to talk about something completely different for once."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well what do you wish to talk about?"


"What about it?"

She looked at me deeply, the same way she had looked at me when she saw me for the first time.

"Can you ever seeing yourself loving me Sebastian?"


Emily's POV

My hands went to my lips as Gen stood there, watching my movement.

"Gen, please don't ever do that again," I firmly said.

"Oh my gosh, Emily I'm so sorry, I just wanted you to know that I'm—"

I held up my hand, stopping her from saying more. I was in a bit of a rage. Things were already complicated and I didn't need her throwing her feelings at me as well.

"Gen, you of all people should know that I hate the unexpected, and I hate being handled. How could you just hide something like this and dish it out when I'm down?"

"Because I thought this was the right time to say something to you. I've always been bisexual."

Talk about knowing someone.

I raked my fingers through my hair and thought about what she had just said. 

I've never once seen her with someone of the same sex, but maybe she does it in private because she didn't know how I'd react to this but I had nothing against someone being gay.

Never had I touched another woman, but I'd never judge others for liking or loving someone of the same sex as themselves. Everyone should love and deserves to have someone love them in return. I, however, wasn't gay.

"I overstepped and I'm sorry. I think I should just leave."

I watched as she walked out the door, not a nerve in my body bold enough to stop her.

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