In Time

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"Because the only thing I can call as home, is you and only you-"



In Time

Story © Nakashima Aya

Tower of God © SIU

[There is no profit we gain from this fanfiction]

Genre : Romance, Friendship, Fantasy, Hurt/Comfort.



A romance fanfiction of Khun Aguero Agnes and you.



Your name is [y/n], and from the very start you were all the time he had.

"Her time is running out."

Khun barely forgot how to breath as soon as he heard that sentence. You were the daughter of one of the strongest family in the tower, but even the strongest have a weakness too right? You family was so strong, but it makes the lifetime of them reduce more than others. The stronger it goes, the worst it will be.

As you, you were one of the most talented girl in your family. In 2 years, you could reach half of the tower. Your powers was pretty much peculiar, even in your own family, you could turn anything into your weapon. But that makes you weaker than anyone, people in your family tend to die in 100-150 years, but you only have 50-70 years to live in this world. While other people, normal people, could live up until 300 or 500 years.

And this is the 56th years of your life.


Khun cloded the door roughly. His mind tried to wander around into anything beside the fact that you weren't in your room. But he can't.

"Where the hell is she?" He tried to call you via pocket but there is no answer and he was so frustrated by that.

"Why are you so bewildered? She'll be back in no time." No. Only Khun knows it. Only he knows that you were so special, and he have to protect you at all cost.

Endorsi blinked quietly then shrugged it off, it's been a public secret that Khun was so over protective towards you. Maybe the whole tower knows about it. Well, Endorsi didn't really care about it, actually. But it's been getting worse these past years. It's like you couldn't go anywhere without Khun. There's a time where you go out for dress-shopping with Endorsi and Ehwa, but Khun went mad and took you home immediately.

And well, it's really annoying at one point.


The sound of the door make the two of them turn their attention, you were there, with bright smile and heavy-looking box of things in your hand.

"[y/n]," oh no. You heard him. You heard it clearly. And you know-right from how cold his voice is-that he will surely go mad at you.


"Let me take those things." He took the box in your hand and walked quietly to the kitchen. And you, you just blinked questionably, didn't really know what exactly happened right now. It's rare to see him being good like this.

"Prince Charming come to the rescue."

"Shut up, Endorsi."


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