Spin off: Void [Hatz x You]

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"Because the only place where my heart belong, is by your side–"




Story © Nakashima Aya

Tower of God © SIU

[There is no profit we gain from this fanfiction]

Genre : Romance, Friendship, Fantasy, Hurt/Comfort.



A romance fanfiction of Hatz and you.



It's been 5 years since the last time you saw him. And in the 5 years of your separation, never once you heard about his condition. You lost your pocket, your E-ranked pocket that you got in the 1st floor, and without those there's no way to contact him.

The last time you saw him–or to be precise–the last time you with him was in the 17th floor–before you were got separated from him. Damn that FUG people who caught you.

From the very start you are seen to be extremely talented, even Hansung Yu acknowleged your talent. You are a great Spear-bearer that you alone can beat a Fisherman if you were serious. You have a gift where you can control anything and everything, the condition is you have to touch it (even just once) with your bare hands. So to prevent any dangerous incident, you always wore a pair of gloves in both of your hands.

Because of your power, FUG caught you so you could protect the new slayer, Jue Viole Grace. Or you can say, Bam the 25th.

The positive thing is you now know that Bam–one of your friend in the ground floor–wasn't dead and you can guarantee his safety, but on the other hand, you had to be separated from your last team, and your last love.

"Ba–Viole," you still sometimes accidentally called his real name. He turned his head, gazing at you and said, "[y/n], do you want to go back to them?"

"Badly." You said. You lost your pocket, while Bam had to conceal his real identity if he wanted all of his friends to be safe and sound. His and yours situation was different, but both of those reasons still prevent you two to go back to your last team.

It sucks. You hate this. You hate FUG so much that you wanted to kill them. But you can't. If you do anything on you own accord, Hatz and other's life would be at the stake. You can't let them being hurted.

"We had to go, to the 20th floor."


Little did you know that this floor would lead you to the special team you grew fond. And totally little did you know that this 'special' team would lead you to meet your loved one.



"Hatz," Anaak called his name out loud, sometimes she couldn't understand why Hatz would stare at the night sky deeply without said any words. She knew that Hatz was grieving so much from losing you, even Anaak herself was grieving, she liked you. You are one of the friend she liked dearly, one of her teammates. And suddenly you're gone, like you were never there before. They can't contact you, they never see you anywhere. Everytime, everywhere, every floor they reach, they would always search for you, but they never found you.

Anaak already lose hope. Everyone already lose their hope. Because of that she didn't understand why Hatz still looking for you.

"She always like stars. She said she like how they shining brightly even in the darkest night." He muttered softly.

The last time he saw [y/n] was when he lost his pride. Losing you meant losing himself. For the next few days after you disappeared, he wasn't like himself. He was insane. He wanted you to comeback badly, but you never comeback. He didn't know, either you were really wanted to leave him, or you were hurting by enemy, or you were died. He didn't know.

It's already five years, but he never heard of you, even for once.

"I really missed her." Hatz smiled. If Anaak was missing you, than what about him? He was craving for you, for your smile, for any laugh he heard from you, from your presence. He was insane for meeting you.



"Viole, this is bad. You can't involve them."

He knew it, Bam knew it. He couldn't team up with anyone except you right now, because it's mean they would involved with Bam and FUG. He couldn't took the risk of involving other people, he couldn't risk losing any other people than this. But what can he do? The only way for him to go to the next floor is to teamed up with them so he can get through this test.

"They're not even that strong. FUG will not allow this."

"We can protect them." Bam said, softly, but you could hear a sign of anxiety in his voice.

"I can't guarantee that. We can protect ourself, but we can't protect that many people. A team? You're kidding me."

Bam sat still at his chair, looking frustrated by this condition. You know how much he wanted to go back to them, to his friends, it was the same as how much you wanted to go back to Hatz. If your prediction was right, maybe now they're already at higher floor than both of you. You knew that it would be dangerous if you continue to climbed this tower just with the two of you, but brought a team that weaker than you really wasn't a good option.

"I miss them."

"Yeah, I know. I miss them too." You hugged him, tighly, to calm him and to calm yourself.



It was late at night, Bam already fallen asleep when you opened the window. The night was freezing but you continue to gaze at the sky, staring at how the stars was shining tonight

"Pocket visible."

You brought out your pocket, it wasn't the same pocket, but you really hope that this pocket could deliver your message to him–even though you know how impossible is that.

"I miss you, everyday, everytime, every minute in this whole five years, I am always missing you."



'I miss you, everyday, everytime, every minute in this whole five years, I am always missing you.'

Hatz turned around roughly, his eyes scanned thorough the room, but there is no one. It was her, it was her voice.

Hatz knew he didn't being crazy. He knew he didn't misheard, he knew that it was truly you. Hatz looked at his pocket, and he saw it, the message. Your message.

He knew you still alive, he knew you were there for him, waiting for him. And for once after five years, Hatz find his reason to continue his journey. He had to find you, he would find you.




Author's Note :

It was more like Hatz x You x Bam (lol) but who cares, this is because I love Tower of God so much that I can't just give my love only to Khun even though he is my ultimate bias. I have to give every character my love (rotfl).

Hatz was the character you think wasn't important at the first season, but grew fond in the next season. Trust me, you'll like him as soon as you reach the second season. OH GOSH JUST READ TOG ALREADY!!! He just soooo hot, like so so so hot hot. This chapter might be a little bit weird, but I hope you'll like it.

See u soon!

Warm Hugs,

Nakashima Aya

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