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"Because the only thing I can call as home, is you and only you-"




Story © Nakashima Aya

Tower of God © SIU

[There is no profit we gain from this fanfiction]

Genre : Romance, Friendship, Fantasy, Hurt/Comfort.



A romance fanfiction of Khun Aguero Agnes and you.



His name is Khun Aguero Agnes. And from the very start, he is your everything

You were not someone as amazing as that. At first, you just a daughter of some lowly merchant who had a special connection with the Khun family. But then one day you met a woman that grew fond of you, she called herself Agnes. She told you how much she liked you and she wanted to take you to her home. You liked her, you liked her smile, you liked how she touched your cheeks warmly, you liked when she invited you to her personal tea party just for the two of you. So you agreed to be taken to her mansion.

And from there you met him, Khun Aguero Agnes, one of Agnes's children.

He was Agnes's only son. He was smart, very smart if you could say. He was handsome beyond normal. He was perfect, it's like all of the things inside him was really put right in their place. His figure, his face, his character, his peculiarity, his everything is perfect. You never knew that there was someone as perfect as him, and from that day you decided that he is your everything.

One day, you heard that the first daughter of Agnes would be one of the candidate to be a Zahard Princess, so you assigned yourself to be her personal maid. Agnes agreed, she said that even though you were just a lowly maid today, someday Agnes wanted you to be one of her children. You didn't really know why she really fond of you, besides she already had three perfect children in her palms.

Agnes really liked her son, Aguero, and she had a great expectation for him to took his sister into the perfect Princess of Zahard. He, the one who had the outstanding cleverness, the one who had so much love from his family, the one who could ever brought the Agnes Familia into one of the greatest Khun Family. Yet he betrayed them. He betrayed their love, he betrayed their trust, he betrayed his heart, just for one girl.

You always knew that Khun Aguero Agnes would never see you the way you see him, even though how close you are with him, you always knew that you were not the perfect match for him, you always knew that your obsession is only one sided. You knew but you still felt the grieve of losing someone. You still hurted when he choose her over his own family. Over you.

Days after days was felt like a disaster for you. The once perfect family was now broken into pieces, the once perfect home for you was gone for eternity. Right after his daughter was commit a suicide, Agnes expelled Aguero from the family, and drawn into a never ending despair. Being an outsider, you ran away from Agnes, from your dreamy home, you decided to be a regular and climbed the tower of Zahard.

"[y/n], time for moving on." You heard one of your teammate called you up. You pierce him a bit before stand up and follow him to your group of three.

You were lucky this time, to be chosen among 200 regulars who could took the test into a proper level, this is still the 2nd floor but there are so many regulars who already failed at the first test. Well, it's more because you had a really great company, and they really helped you thorough the test.

The next test wasn't really bad for you, despite the mistake you made here and there, and many fight all the way. At the end, you could go onto the next floor with your group. And you were really proud of them.

Being a scout, you truthfully didn't have any special fighting skill, you just had this stupid skill called "running away from any dangerous things" that really isn't very important for your team. So once they decided to left you alone, you understand, you couldn't complain, if you were a burden, it's just normal for them to leave you when there are so much other scout who was much more talented than you.

"Haah..." a sign of exhale loose out from your mouth, you were tired, you wanted to stop. But you were more than know if you stop climbed this tower thing you would remember everything, every piece of memory you wanted to bury, every strain of feelings you had to forget. You didn't want those things to come back. You can't.

So, for a moment of time you decided to just stroll around in this exact floor-you were too afraid to take the test-and playing around here and there, didn't realize that there are more regulars from time to time. And that means, more rival to beat the test.

It was a cloudy morning, not the typical weather you liked, but that day was the day of the test; no you were not gonna took the test, you just wanted to see it. You walked out from your small apartment and went to the center of town, where the regulars would assembly today. Your (ex) team must be up in the higher floor now, that you were not slow them down anymore. Sometimes, you felt disappointed because they left you, but on the other hand you knew that you really just a burden for them. You can't fight, you can't think rationally, and you can't even seduce the test administrator to let your team win (well, you were pretty but not sexy).

You were just arrived at the place a moment ago, and there was already so crowded in that place. You were astonished by how much the new regulars are, there was no chance for you to pass the test by yourself, only a miracle could brought you to the next floor. You sighed, your dark orbs looked sluggish and you faked a sign of smile to console yourself. You bit your lower lips, prevent yourself from crying like a stupid useless maiden who lost any hope.

"And here you are."

That voice. You turned around, to found the man you were never thought would be here. He was here. The one you wanted to forget.

"Going to the tower by yourself, and then crying over by yourself, didn't even tell me where you go. Are you stupid?" He rolled his eyes and walked closer to you. You wiped the tears that nearly fall from your eyes, leaving you dark eyes glittering beautifully.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"What do you think is my reason to go into this tower?" You shake your head tiredly, 'how am I supposed to know? This stupid man.'

"You." You loss of words, what did he said? "How could I let a stupid girl go alone here by herself?"

You couldn't say anything. To be precise, you don't know what to say. So you just bit your lip like what you always do and tried to avoid his gaze. "That's stupid." But well, of course there's a little bit words came out from your mouth unconditionally.

"Right now you supposed to help Lady Maria, you don't have time to be here."

He rolled his eyes, and said, "What I wanted isn't Maria. I want you."

His name is Khun Aguero Agnes. And until the very last, he is your most everything.




Author's Note :

Cheesy, yes this is cheesy like those stupid drama I always watch and make me cry (what). But, well at least I updated this *rotfl*

Sooooo, I personally didn't like a weak and dramatic 'you' like this, but I had to make it like this so the feels would felt natural. Im so sowwyyy-I would tried to make a better chapter next time.

Well, see u in next chapter!!

Warm Hugs,

Nakashima Aya

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