Crazy Cat

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WARNING: A true story lies ahead. You have been warned...

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I had just laid down to go to sleep. It had to be like 10 o'clock at night. We had a cat staying at our house. I like to call it kitty, but other than that, I really don't know it true name. It was sitting up on the bookshelf. The bookshelf is about a foot from the ceiling.

I heard the kitty jump down from there, and I was like "eh, she just came down". I shut the TV off, and I heard it start to growl. I was like, "what the...".

I got up and went to my bedroom door. I saw the cat on top of the couch looking out the window.

Our basement is kinda weird. The windows in the front of the house, where the couch is, are level with the ground. The back door is a full, walk out door, like our front door.

The kitty was looking out the window and growling. I walked over to the couch, and the kitty got down. I knelt on the couch and looked out the window. It was really dark, so I had to lean in close to the window to see what was there.

I was expecting to a squirrel or chipmunk, but instead the was another cat. It looked at me, its ears pointed up, eyes opened wide, and it hissed at me. I was startled and backed up a bit. I looked back at the cat staring in at me, and it hissed again. I decided to close the blinds, so kitty couldn't see it.

I got down off the couch, and decided I should tell my dad about the cat that was outside. I started up the stairs. I wasn't even up to the landing part between the two sets of stairs when I heard hissing. I looked down and there's kitty, hair standing on ends, hissing, and swinging her paws at me. I tried to continue up the stairs, but she kept batting at my legs.

I decided to go back to my room and tell dad about the cat outside. I did even get up to the landing between the two sets of stairs when I heard hissing. I looked down, and there was kitty hissing and swinging her paw at me. I tried to continue up, but she kept batting at me. I decided on going back to my room.

She started following me. I stopped, and she kept hitting me. I screamed and tried to get away. I ran to my room, and she chased me onto my bed. She sat at the end of my bed hissing at me.

My dad came down stairs and found me cornered on my bed with the cat staring me down. I told him about the cat outside and what happened. He went back upstairs, and soon after the cat left my room. I slammed my door, and crawled into bed. I didn't go to sleep until like 11:30pm.


The Next Day:

I got up at like 9:30am to eat breakfast. I slowly peered out my bedroom door to see the cat sitting back on top of the bookshelf, staring at me. I left my room and walked over to grab her bowl and some canned food at the bottom of the bookshelf. I told the cat I was going to feed her, and she just stared at me. Something happened between me bending over to pick them up and me being back in the corner of my room.

When she chased me back into my room, this time I tried to close my door, but she was too quick. This time she sat about a foot away from me. Every time I made even the slightest movement, she would turn to me and growl, maybe even hiss. She sat the for like a half hour.

After she finally left, I closed my door and stayed there. At about 11:00am, my mom came down to see where I was. I heard her start coming down the stairs, and I got up and went to the door. I opened it a little. She called for me, and I opened the door more. She came to me door, and the cat came chasing after her. My mom tried to pick her up, but she starting scratching her. My mom got in my room.

She was all scratched up and started bleeding. I got her some band aids. She got out and tried grabbing the cat with one of my blankets. She couldn't catch her, but ended up chasing her into the upstairs bathroom.


Everyone we called wouldn't help us catch her. One person we called actually helped us. We had to get a whole bunch of hormones to try to calm her down. It really didn't work out to well.

The next day she got out and cornered my mom in my dad's closet. My dad got her up on their bed, and he put a laundry basket on top of her. They got her in a small carrier, and the next day, after she calmed down a bit, put her in a large dog crate with her litter box and food and water.

She is now on some medicine similar to Prozac and seems a lot more mellow.

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