Another Real, Crazy Dream

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I had fell asleep trying to watch a nature documentary on the Bonobo Apes for my English Comp. class.

We were at this aquarium/ zoo kind of place. There were exhibits with different kinds of fishes and animals, like wolves. My friends where there. In real life at work at a nursing home and some of the residents I take care of were there, as well.

At first, I was with my friends, and we were in this tank where one could walk along side crustaceans, like crabs and the like. The water didn't even reach up to my knees. It was a little scary. One of the shrimp like creatures crawled over my foot, and I jumped out of the water onto like a window sill. I was afraid it was going to bite me or something. There was only one way out from where I was, and that was to go through the pool.  After I did some deep breathing, I walked through the center of the of the pool and hopped out.

I caught up with the residents from the nursing home, and we all went over to the exhibit with the wolves. There was only one lone wolf in the exhibit at the time. Towards the center of the exhibit there was a pond, just deep enough for some small river fish to swim around in. We watched as the wolf slowly stepped into the water trying not to scare the fish. When he had the chance, he snapped his snout down into the water, snatched a fish. He walked out of the water proud of his accomplishment.  The some of the residents were a little scared and some were bored, so we decided to go up to the next floor, to see what was in store for us there.

I helped push the residents in the wheelchairs over to the elevated around the corner from where we were. I was pulling one and pushing another, and occasionally helping with another resident. When I got to the elevator with the three I was helping, everyone was already on there, and there was only room for one more. I stayed behind with two of the residents, while one went with the aides already on the elevator.

It didn't look like the elevator was sitting right in the shaft as the doors started to close. It was like the elevator was twisted a bit, and one corner was sticking out, making it so the doors couldn't close all the way. The elevator had windows in it, and one could see up and down the elevator shaft. However the whole elevator was not entirely made of glass, only the doors were. We watched as the elevator stared going up the shaft ever so slowly. Then a loud bang was heard, and the next thing you know, the elevator was racing down the shaft. Everyone waiting for the elevated jumped back as another loud crash was heard. Dust started racing up the shaft, and everyone started scrambling to get away.

Everyone ran as fast as they could. Someone had helped  push one of the residents for me. Once we were far enough away, all I could think about was that everyone that was on that elevated died as soon as it hit the floor.

There were loud sirens and emergency personnel were rushing to  the scene. They started clearing everyone out of the building. They helped carry the people in wheelchairs down the stairs. I followed behind the two I was with. There was another loud bang and the staircase shook. Everyone ironically remained calm, even though they were worried.

I don't know what happened after that because I ended up waking up. All I know, for sure, is that those poor people are all dead. And if not dead, close to it.  A bang a loud as that was, was sure to cause a lot of damage to the people on the inside.

This was another one of many vivid dreams that I actually remembered.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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