The Boy and his Rocks

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I'm not entirely sure where I was. I was in some sort of building. There was a large pond coming off the front wall, ending at a point in the middle of the room, where a vertical beam holding up the ceiling. On the opposite side I was on, there was a small, maybe two to three feet high, half wall that came out from that point about three feet. At the end of that half wall, there was a little bird house with one of those little round perches sticking out under the hole.

Around the pond, there was a stone wall that was probably about two and a half feet tall. The water inside the wall wasn't very deep, maybe about four inches deep, and it was a bit murky. Toward the center of the pond, there were sand dunes that came out of the water and formed a small hill. There were tons of colorful rocks all throughout the pond.

There were a lot of people there, mostly little kids about five and six years old. We all tended to stay in the same area. It didn't look like you could go anywhere else.

There was this one little kid. Connor I believe was his name. He kind of reminded me of this little boy I knew from an early childhood education center in my home town I used to help out at through my school. Although, I don't think his name was Connor, but the kid in my dream looked oddly similar to him.

Connor seemed to like this place. He liked learning, and he must have really loved to collect rocks, which is where I head to now.

Connor saw some really cool rocks in the pond. He climbed over the stone wall and jumped onto the sand dune. He picked up about three small rocks as he hoped between the two dunes and back. He climbed out and had no issues while in there.

Apparently we all had gone somewhere and were returning back to the same area. I don't even remember going anywhere.

Someone up in the front of the group had said something.

I questioned it. "We're grabbing stuff?" I asked the lady next to me. She kinda looked like a teacher I knew from somewhere.

She just shrugged her shoulders.

I watched as Connor went back into the pond for more rocks, and this time I tried to stop him. He grabbed three more rocks, and on the way back there was a problem. Connor spotted this little snake on the end of the perch on the bird house. He went over to it.

"Connor, leave it alone," I heard someone say next to me, but to no avail, Connor didn't listen.

He stood there looking at it for a minute. Then it hissed. Connor brought his little finger to the snake and tried to flick it off, but he just missed it. The snake in return grabbed Connor's finger with its razor sharp fangs.

"Shake it off, Connor!" Someone in the back yelled.

This time he did as told, but he couldn't get he off. He tried pulling it off. I heard gasps and winces from the crowd behind me. Even the teacher next to me was shocked.

He kept pulling it off. He stepped back too far and fell on the sand dune behind him. As he tried to get that snake off, he rolled into the water. As he got up, all soaked, he pulled the snake off his finger.

During his tussle, he realized he dropped the rocks. He went back to get them, and another snake appeared on that same perch. Daring and ignorant, Connor went up to that one, stuck his tongue out at it, and tried to flick this one off. The same thing happened yet again. This time he couldn't shake it off.

When he fell in the water, I could tell something was wrong. The other children didn't see him come back up and went running up to get a closer look. One of the adults started shooing them away as Connor came up, covered in more of those little pink snakes.

He started shaking, and very few of them were coming off.

People were screaming in the back, especially the children. The adults tried calming them down.

Connor started to climb out of the pond, still covered in snakes. He was literally an arm's length away from me and this lady who claimed to be his mother.

Before Connor could fully climb out, I had awoken from this dream.

It was pitch black in my room. I looked across to where my TV was, and all I saw was a skeleton wearing a baseball cap staring back at me. I believe there might have been a scythe on his back. I don't know; I turned the light on so fast, I couldn't truly get a good look. It was scary. Did I just meet Death or was it my imagination?

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