Before I knew it there was a weird visual forming near him. This was a strange visual, but I knew it was Kakashi's visual as it was one of the special moves that he showed me a while back. It was the Sharingan eye that Kakashi had.

It was able to warp those he uses it on into another dimension if I wasn't mistaken.

There was a limit of how long he could use the eye until it pained him, which made him miss Deidara cutting off his other arm.

He tried once more, but this time it was only to distracted him giving me enough time to try and strike him with lightning which he roughly dodges. This gave Naruto enough time to use his Rasengan which threw him off of the bird.

Naruto then used his Rasengan to destroyed the bird decapitating its head as two shadow clones and I grab the head making it to safety.

I eagerly broke through the clayed bird head along with two other Naruto shadow clones.

"Gaara I'm coming just hold on please don't leave me" Finally breaking through I could see him and he seemed to be in pretty bad shape. I tried shaking him a bit, but he wouldn't move to show me any signs he was breathing. "Gaara!!!" I shouted as I started to cry.

I held Gaara rocking him in my arms not worrying about the activity going on around me. I just didn't care about anything at that moment I became weak I let my guard down to the point where an enemy could attack me right now.

There was a huge explosion caused by the Akatsuki member and I thought that maybe it would be over since there's no point in trying to run away because we wouldn't make it in time.

However, just in time before the explosion hit us Kakashi used his eye again teleporting the blast somewhere else.

I looked down at Gaara crying more still not caring about anything that was happening right now.

"Someone help please" I rested my forehead on his until someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Granny Chiyo with a reassuring smile as Naruto used his shadow clones to help move Gaara.

We moved to a more open area. Gaara's head resting on my lap as Granny Chiyo hands rested on Gaara. Naruto moved to confront her, but Sakura stopped him.

"She's bringing him back" She assured, but my eyes widened at her words. I couldn't believe this to be possible. She was really capable of bringing him back to us. Gaara I promise I won't ever leave your side for as long as I shall live please just come back to me. "She's using a special jutsu"

"A special jutsu?" I questioned to myself before thinking about it. This jutsu she's using she's bringing him back but in exchange for her own life. I wondered why she would do such a thing... why would she give her life for his?

I noticed her Chakra beginning to weaken as she struggled to keep control of it so I placed my hands on her hands and so did Naruto.

"Use as much of our Chakra as you need" I spoke to her feeling bad that this would take her own life. I'm not even sure that Naruto sees that, but his will to help everyone has grown stronger and I believe it affects all us in such a positive way.

She spoke about how our spirits and will driven us to what we are today. She wanted the best from all of us she wanted all of us to make the world better to make the shinobi's better.

"Chinami... do promise to me that you will take care of Gaara from now on" There was no room for second thoughts or opinions coming from her.

"yes, granny I promise I will do my very best to make sure he's happier" A few tears spilled from my eyes as I bit my lip.

Gaara's body stirred around a bit as he woke up looking around very confused. I looked around as well not knowing mostly everyone was here and by everyone I mean the sand shinobi's even Temari and Kankuro appeared.

Everyone cheered rushing towards him. He looked up at me as a few of my teardrops fell onto his face.

"please don't mind me I'm just glad that you're alright" I said trying to suck back in my tears.

"you had us worried Gaara and probably your girlfriend the most" Naruto said rubbing his head while smiling.

"What Naruto would you quit that you..." I was cut off by Kankuro agreeing with Naruto.

"What he meant to say was everyone was worried"

"Would you two quit it... Gaara is the Kazekage or did you forget already" Temari said annoyed by the two shoving Naruto out of the way to get to Gaara.

He tried to stand on his own, but he wasn't completely able to stand.

"Don't rush it Gaara you shouldn't move too quick" She explained to him.

Two girls came rushing over to Gaara fangirling over him which kind of made me uncomfortable, but I giggled for some reason as Temari blocked them from getting past.

Kankuro explained the jutsu further to Naruto. He shook that she was dead and so were others who didn't get what was happening as she revived Gaara.

This is what she wished for.

Gaara tried to stand up fully by himself almost collapsing so I quickly helped him walk over to Sakura and Granny.

"Please pray and bid Lady Chiyo farwell" He said closing his eyes and so did everyone around him.

I could have sworn I heard her say "protect Gaara and make him happy" As the wind blew on. At that moment I stayed by Gaara's side as we made our way back to the Sand Village where Lady Chiyo's funeral was being held.

In that short amount of time spent with her, I learned more than I realized.

"you have had a lot on your mind lately" Temari pulled me out of my thoughts raising a brow at me.

"So much has happened in a small amount of time and I'm stuck trying to go in so many different directions" I looked down not knowing what to do. I want to stay, but what about Kakashi and my friends. How would that make them feel? If I leave Gaara alone again how would that make him feel?

There are so many people that I want to try to please, however, I don't want to upset anybody.

"I understand, but it's up to you at the end of the day and no one else" I gave her a tight hug before walking to Gaara to say my goodbyes.

He cleared his throat as I approached him.

"I know what you want to say, but I promise I'll be back to the sand village in no time" He pulled me forcibly into a tight hug gripping the lower part of my back to keep me in place as if he didn't want me to leave at all.

"I'll be waiting for you Chinami. I've waited years, but now I only want to wait days that's all I'm giving you" I looked up at him hugging back wondering if he could possibly like me back, but I doubt that he does.

"Chinami, it's time to go" Sakura called out to me as everyone else started leaving.

"I promise you won't wait that long" I smiled before he let me free of his grip as I turned to join Sakura and the others.

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