Chapter 2: The Unfriendly Visitor

Começar do início

Hannah snatched the car keys out of John's hand and stormed out of the church. All the men looked at John surprised, neither of them had ever seen John this angry before and they didn't know how to respond. John glanced over at the three men and raised an eyebrow, "what?" He asked confused and took a seat in one of the chairs.

"Why won't you let Hannah talk to her brother? Maybe he doesn't know that she's here" Joseph sat beside him, "this man is going to cause a lot of pain to our family and friends John. We need to stop him before he hurts someone else". John sighed and looked up at Joseph, "fine" was all he said as he stood up and walked out of the church.

As he approached the car, he noticed that Hannah wasn't there. He looked around from where he was standing but couldn't see her, "fuck" he yelled and started running back to the church.

"JOHN" a female voice came, he turned around and saw Mary May approach him, "Hannah just told me that she was heading to Henbane River, something about her brother but that's all she said to me. I had to tell you cause I've heard something bad has happened over there". John growled through his teeth and nodded at Mary, "her brother is killing our people, nearly killed Faith. Be careful and warn everyone about it".

John ran back inside the church and slammed through the door, "Hannah is on her way to Henbane River. Jacob I need you to take me there, she has the keys to my car" John panicked, then followed his big brother back out of the church and to his truck.


Meanwhile Hannah had jumped into a taxi and started making her way to Henbane River to talk with her brother. She was nervous to see him, it had been years since she last saw him. They got along so well growing up but once they got split up after their parents died, they never saw or heard from each other again. Now here he was, destroying her family's project, like she did once upon a time.

The last time anyone saw her brother, was at Peaches Taxidermy and that's where she was going to head too. As the taxi got closer to the location, her nervousness was replaced with fear and she didn't know how this was all going to go down. She jumped out the taxi and started walking towards the cabin on the left. "Hello" she screamed out and hard swallowed as she heard someone approaching her from behind. "Put your hands up" the manly voice was heard and a gun was felt on her head. She complied, putting her hands up and breathing a little fast, "Lenny? Is that you?" She asked and the man behind her went dead silent.

"How the fuck do you know my name? Turn around" he ordered her once again and again, she complied. Turning around, she came face to face with her brother and both of their eyes opened wide. "Hannah?" He said in a quiet voice and she shook her head. "It's me Len" she said as tears rolled out of her eyes, "and it's really you". They stared at each other for a few more seconds, before Hannah flung into his arms, hugging her brother tightly and crying. He reacted the same way, holding her tightly, "I. I can't believe it's really you" he said as he sobbed.

Hannah pulled away from her brother, holding his biceps as she examined him. "I can't believe it too, it's been years Lenny. I've been looking for you everywhere when I was in LA but just never had any luck" she smiled and he returned a smile back. "It's a long story Han, I'll tell you later. What are you doing in this hell hole?" He asked her.

She froze when she remembered her husband and his family, and what her brother was doing to them and their project. "I live here now. I found someone and we got married" Hannah responded, "what are you doing in Hope County?". "Came to get revenge. Another long story but I'm here to take everything off Joseph Seed, like he took everything off me" Lenny explained short, "I'm here to fuck him and his family up".

"HANNAH" a yell came from behind Lenny and brother siblings looked to see John and Jacob running towards them with their guns pointed at Lenny. "Get away from her" John growled. "John no, don't please" Hannah tried running to him but was pulled back by her brother.

"Hannah stay back" Lenny ordered her and then heard Jacob laugh, "what the fuck are you laughing at ginger fuck?". Jacob shook his head, still chuckling away. "Hannah come here now" John yelled out to her, still pointing the gun at her brother. "Who do you think you are ordering her like that?" Lenny growled with his teeth showing. "I'm her fucken Husband" John growled back.

Lenny looked behind his back at Hannah, waiting for her to confirm it and she did with a slight nod. "You married into this fucken family?" He turned his whole body towards her. "Yes I did. I love him Lenny, he is my everything and I can't let you hurt him or his family. My family" she said as she looked deep into his brown eyes, "they gave me a second chance at life. They taught me how to be strong. I can't let you take that away from me".

Lenny lowered his gun down, looking intensely at his sister for making such a stupid decision. This was surely going to ruin his whole plan about killing the Seeds, especially Joseph, now that he found out that his little sister was carrying their last name as well. He threw his gun down on the ground, raising his two arms up as a surrender and then moved his eyes off his sister and to the ground. Jacob approached him from the back, hitting his head with the butt of his rifle gun and knocking Lenny out cold. Hannah looked down at her brother lying on the dirt, before looking up at her angry husband.

"Please don't be angry with me John, I had to do this, for our family" she cried, making John's face expression change. "I know honey. I just. I just hate the thought of losing my baby girl" he said, pulling her in and hugging her tightly, "next time we take steps together. Understand?".

For Now and Forever (John Seed X Female Deputy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora