I grunted as I tried in vain to chase for my runaway hair. "So full of empty threats."

And then something slipped above my head, blocking half of my face and my sight, and I realized it was a big hat. Joshua's cowboy hat.

"That will help holding your hair," he said coolly as he patted the top of my head.

I blinked at him in surprise even though I couldn't really see him. I had to lift one side to peek and I saw him looking at me before turning to face the road again.

I stared at his face while he's driving. His nose was so high; it's taunting me for a pinch and feel how hard it is. I never thought a nose could also make someone look very manly and strong. And that porcelain skin . . . I wonder if they feel smooth and soft against my skin.

I immediately looked away before he could catch me staring at him.

God, Mia Kazzandra? What the hell are you doing?

I shook my head and chose to properly wear the hat above my head. It was bigger than my head that I had to slip it down to secure it properly. And then I got a whiff of the air causing me to say curses inside my head.

Shit! His hat smelt so freaking masculine! Like him! I smell it properly because of the wind coming inside, especially when it's just right above my head. It practically covers my entire head!

I stopped myself to close my eyes and get intoxicated and memorize his smell. It's slightly spicy, raw and subtle. Not that kind of smell that could hurt your nose. And there's something fragrant about it, must be his brand of shampoo. And then, there was his own elusive scent — the sexy aroma that makes you want your nose to sniff all day and never get enough of it. I wonder if he smells like this all day . . .

I can't stop myself from staring at his whole being again. It's hard not to look especially when his profile is so near me.

How many times does he take a bath everyday? He's a doctor so obviously, hygiene is important to him. Even his nails are clean, trimmed. And those pretty big hands and long fingers that were gripping the wheel, it's not made to plow lands and take care of animals. He still has a pair of handsome hands.

I ran up my eyes all over his rolled up sleeves that was hugging his muscled arms, to the expanse of his shoulder and the bulge of his biceps, to the hardness of his pecs, and up to his jet black hair that was combed back giving me the full view of his forehead. This man clearly doesn't have an ounce of fat in his body.

And then my assessing gaze was gripped by a pair of frowning thick brows and intense darkened eyes, as though he knew what was going on inside my head. My chest soared in an erratic staccato of heartbeats.

"Thank you." I said out of the blue as I stared at him.

He silently nodded and gave his attention to the road again.

Well, that's nice, Mia Kazzandra. If that wasn't awkward enough, you might consider keeping your eyes for yourself! I berated myself.

I'm not normally the ogling kind of gal. Even if you tell me a man has the looks, or great charisma and appeal to gain my interest, I never ogle. I never gawk. And I never appreciate a man so easy.

So what the hell am I looking at this man beside me when he doesn't even notice I'm here?

Just because of a damn hat and you've become like this? Duh! My praises come with high value. My appreciation is for those who I like to appreciate, for what warms my heart.

It's not like Joshua Hong did something to warm my . . .

I suddenly sat up straight. The jerky movement made Joshua to look at me again with a frown knotting on his forehead. That frown was already there since we left the house this morning.

BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Hong Jisoo (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora