Bed rest

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Nicole Pov
My eyes looked at both of them. The gun was perfectly aligned to Mitch's chest. I jumped in between as the enemy pulled the trigger. A loud bang echoed through the room, I was worried I wasn't able to block it but when I looked down I saw blood on my shirt, leaking out. I didn't feel pain, I was in shock. At least I didn't lose him.

I opened my eyes and I squint against the bright ceiling lights. I look down to see that I was in a hospital gown, on a hospital bed with a nurse injecting fluids into my arm. Mitch came into the room with the look of concern.

Mitch: Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?

Nicole: I feel o-okay.

I attempted to move my arm until I felt extreme pain.

Mitch: Relax, stay still.

I took a deep breathe in, trying to overcome what I just gifted myself. I flinched as the nurse removed the needle from my arm. Then she  left.

When I looked at Mitch again I saw his eyes, they were red and watery.

Nicole: What's wrong?

Mitch: I almost lost you. I almost lost you because of me.

Nicole: Mitch I made the decision to take the bullet for you, it's not your fault.

The next few days I was taken home. Everyone was helpful and supportive. I was training again but moderately. I'm surprised my dad hasn't stopped me. I looked at the red dot on the target and just before I shot at it, my vision doubled. I unclearly heard Mitch command me to shoot but I couldn't focus on the target. I started to breathe heavily and sweat, Mitch came up behind me and whispered for me to let go of the gun as he took control over it. Suddenly I got this excruciating headache that caused me to force my eyes closed and grab onto my forehead. "Hey. are you okay?" Mitch asked. I mumbled, and so I repeated "No. No. Mitch I don't feel good." I tried to walk but I almost fell, my vision was blurry and I couldn't balance myself. A few seconds later I couldn't see anything, my vision was pure black. I felt myself lose all my balance and caught by a pair of strong arms as I slowly got sleepy. The last I heard was Mitch calling for Dad.

Mitch Pov
She suddenly fell but I caught her. A few seconds later she was unconscious and her skin turned dark and pale. I screamed for Stan's name as I layed her on the ground. I felt her pulse but it was very weak. I screamed for Stan again this time even louder. Stan commanded me to call 911 as he removed her gear.

911: 911 What's your emergency?

Mitch: Hi my girlfriend just fainted and she just got out of the hospital from a gun incident.

911: Okay can I get your name please sir.

Mitch: Mitch.

911: How long has she been unconscious for?

Mitch: Around 7 minutes.

911: Is she breathing?

Mitch: Yes. Yes. She is but very weakly.

911: Lay her down on the ground on her back straight. Raise her legs above heart level and loosen any constrictive clothing. They'll be there soon.

We did as we were advised soon they came in. She still wasn't awake.

Medic: What's the wound on her shoulder?

Stan: She was shot just a few weeks ago.

Medic: How long since she fainted?

Mitch: 15 minutes.

They checked her heart and her pulse. She was still functional but she wouldn't wake up. In the ambulance ride they checked her wound, it didn't look any better. It was swelling and discoloured. When we arrived at the hospital they brought her to the operating room right away. I sat down now full of anxiety, waiting for news.

 I sat down now full of anxiety, waiting for news

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Stan was greeted by a doctor into a private talk. I was so hesitant and curious.

Mitch: How is she?

Stan: He said she's okay for now and she has to stay for a week to make sure she'll heal properly.

Stan pov
I shouldn't tell Mitch. I have no right to. She was only weeks in. I was the first one she saw when she opened her eyes. She had a concerned look on her face. "You're both okay." I whispered moving her hair out of her face.

Nicole: D-does he kno-
Stan: I didn't tell him.
Nicole: O-okay.
Stan: But he deserves to know.
Nicole: I'm to afraid to tell hi-
Stan: I know. I know. Katrina will always be part of him. But you're clearly also a part of him. And there's no way you can hide this any longer.

Mitch pov
Little did they know I was standing by the door listening to everything. What is this about? "Does he know?" What are they hiding from me that she's so scared to tell me? "There's no way you can hide this any longer" What is there that I'm missing! A few hours later I sat beside her as she rested. I took her hand and caressed them with my thumbs. My thoughts kept runnng, why is she scared of me? Why was Katrina a problem? She has never had issues with Katrina. I woke up not noticing I accidentally slept on her. When I looked at her she had an unusual face. I wanted to ask her about what I heard but she's gone through enough. She'll tell me when she's ready, right now she needs my support.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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