1| We're Going Shopping

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So my parents lost hope in my love life and started searching for me. The thing was, I did date but it had been a while since I last had a boyfriend. My parents have been trying to set me up with a lot of guys, you would think that parents wouldn't allow you to date but mine were nothing like that. They just didn't know about my crush, and I wasn't telling them anytime soon. They would ruin all of it. or maybe only my dad, he's a bit more strict with that.

Now, for the upcoming wedding they have been trying to find a date for me. They have suggested a lot of people for me, but I of course declined on all of them. I don't need a date or a boyfriend at the moment.

"Darren", Felix said, turning in the chair.

"Ew, the guy next door?" I asked him.

"Ew, no. The dude is younger than you why would mom and dad suggest him?" Felix said. "Remember Darren Michaels, from middle school? Him."

"Oh no, not him again. The guy keeps following me. Out of every damn corner he shows up. He is so obsessive over me. Not that I want to brag about it, but it has come to a point where it isn't even normal. Imma have to decline", I said, leaving my bed and walking to my closet. "Besides how did they even find him?"

"Try telling mom and dad that. They will kill you if you decline once more and they will definitely kill you if you don't have a date for the wedding. And Mom and dad heard about his crush on you and saw it as an opportunity. Oh yeah, and also because his parents own that big company that sells all kinds of candy and stuff and you know how much mom and dad want both of us to end up with someone from a big company", Felix said while throwing small piece of paper that he crumpled, in the trashcan one by one.

"Felix please help me get rid of Darren, the guy is not mentally well. And why are they so obsessed over me having a date for the wedding? I'm doing fine on my own, it's not like I need it", I said while picking out my clothes.

"Luna, look at you. You do need it", Felix said while looking at me from head to toe. "You look like garbage."

"You really think that me having a boyfriend is going to change the fact that I am trash? No, it won't. Imma be the same trash ass that I am, even when I'm in a relationship", I said, throwing a pair of shorts on the bed along with a yellow T-shirt.

"Yes, there will be a change. When Chris is around you tend to look decent. You never walk around him with a pair of pj's and oh god if a lock of your hair is not in the right position", Felix said while throwing the crumpled papers at me now.

With fast movements, I threw a pillow at him aiming for his head as it landed straight in his face. "Leave my room, thank you very much."

"You're crazy for him, just admit it", Felix said while throwing the pillow back in my face.

"Felix stop it, you know I don't like this topic! Get out", I said, while slumping down on my bed again.

"Then don't make it obvious. Like when you are around him it's like you totally forget who you are and you just turn into a whole different person", Felix said, being a little more serious now.

"I don't make it that obvious. If I was that obvious then why hasn't he shown any sign of it then. It doesn't look like he knows. And I think I'd like to keep it that way", I said as I fiddled the loose cords of my T-shirt.

"But why? Is it that bad if he knows?" Felix asked me.

"I don't know, I just think it could ruin  a lot. Besides It's not like I'm madly in love with him. It's just a small crush and it will go away soon", I said.

"Luna. Stop making a fool out of yourself. You have been crushing on him since who knows, two years now. Yes, it maybe isn't something that serious but definitely more then a 'small crush'", he said.

"You're not making it any easier for me", I said. "Now leave, I have to get dressed otherwise mom will kill both of us if we aren't ready on time."

"Right", he said and after that he left my room to go to his own to get dressed.

I got dressed in a jeans short and a plain yellow T-shirt, because looking outside it was a warm and sunny day. Summer breaks were my favourite, the sun shining bright, no school and most importantly no more annoying classmates and teachers. I hated college, a lot. My hate for college was so big, my parents were in shock that I even passed my class this year. Just one more year and I would be gone from that hell place.

I didn't try to think much about it now, after all it was summer vacation so I had to enjoy every minute of it.

I took a glance at myself in the mirror of my closet and decided that my clothing looked decent enough to go out. But the hair, nope. I gotta fix that. So I went to the bathroom to quickly do a little something with my hair. I decided to put it up in a ponytail because otherwise it might get a little too hot.

I took one last glance at myself after freshening up and went back to my room to take my purse. I ran back downstairs to see that breakfast was ready. Everyone was already downstairs except for my dad, he was at work. He always was, after all he was the CEO of the company. He didn't really have time for home. My mom worked there too, but she could stay home whenever she wanted because dad could cover it up. But she would rarely take days off.

Most of the time, they weren't home. Not that I minded it was always fun alone, Felix and I could do whatever we wanted and they wouldn't even notice if we broke anything.

But today my mom took a day off to go shopping with us. It had been a while since we had done something together so I was a little excited to go.

"Let's go, let's go. We have a long day ahead of us", mom said while taking her own purse and putting on her heels. She was always dressed classy, no matter the occasion. To be honest I had no clue how she survived on heels everyday, I could never.

My mom and I weren't really alike, she was more of a classy woman whilst I was nothing like that. I still liked wearing my old rocker bands T-shirts and ripped jeans or wearing my hair in whatever it was that looked messy. My mom was the complete opposite but still we had a good bond between us.

All of us got ready to leave and walked to the car driving to shopping centre. This was going to be a long, long day.

His Help || Bang Chan FanFiction (Stray Kids)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora