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I'm inside a strange-looking dimension, sort of like a video game. I hear screams in the distance.

"HELP!" Familiar voices cry from afar.

I realize it's Corl, or maybe Denis. No matter who it is though, they're in danger and I  need to help them. I rush to the sound in newfound urgency.

I suddenly snap my eyes open and realize that it was just a dream. How could it be a dream if it seemed so real? I could still remember it vividly. However, with most of my other dreams, I forget what happened almost immediately. This did not seem like a dream.

I go to check on Elijah since his room is closest to mine. I knock on the door, just in case he's changing or something. No answer. I open the door and find it empty of company. I was surprised by this, even though the dream made me suspect something strange was happening. I didn't expect it to be true.

I must be stupid. They're probably downstairs. I go downstairs, expecting them to be eating breakfast. This room was empty as well. I check everyone else's rooms and find them all empty. However, one strange thing caught my eye. All of them had their computers on, with the same game on their screen. If they left, they would have left a note or texted me. They would also have turned their computers off.

I sit down at Sub's computer and start scrolling through the game's web page out of pure curiosity. I click 'Play'. Suddenly, I feel a strange feeling, like I've never felt before. At first, it just felt strange. Then, I felt excruciating pain. I realized that I was being sucked into the computer screen.

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