Chapter 21: What These Bitches Want?

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6:00am in Atlanta, Ga
Giselle & Jordan

After watching Dev defeat the Raptors to advance in the playoffs I spent another night in my man cave tossing and turning. Things haven't been good between Giselle and I since the last game and we haven't really been speaking. She would be out all day checking on her stores and I would be at the Center. At home there was nothing but silence. We didn't speak at dinner and we slept in different rooms. The only noise in the house was Bakari's little giggles as he played. I love my wife to death but whatever she's keeping from me was pushing us apart. The longer she stayed quiet the longer I assumed what was up.

As I tossed in my recliner for the hundredth time my phone started ringing. I groaned before sitting up and answering it. It was my personal cell.

" What's up!?"

"Yo! Jay sorry to wake you up but it's serious."

It was Sincere and nervous chills went through my body already knowing this was about Devyn.

"How serious Sin!? Is Devyn alright?" I asked now standing up pacing. This was the type of phone call I had been dreading for awhile.

"Just turn on the news this shit is fucking crazy. Hurry! Wake Gee up too!" Sin hung up and I immediately ran upstairs to my bedroom waking up Giselle.

"Baby get up! I think something happened with Devyn!" I said as I kissed her awake not trying to scare her.

"Devyn!? Oh my god! Is he okay?" She said with nervousness in her voice.

"I'm not sure, Sin told me to turn on the TV." I quickly grabbed the remote and turned the tv on to channel 5.

News Anchor #1
" Breaking News! Twenty-three year old Point Guard for the Atlanta Hawks, Devyn Howard has just been arrested at his hotel in Toronto ,Canada."

News Anchor #2
"Authorities say after Friday nights Win against the Toronto Raptors , Devyn and company went to celebrate the big win. Afterwards he invited a young woman to his hotel room at the Ritz Carlton. And that's where she claims...He raped her!"

News Anchor #1
" The young woman claims once they arrived at his hotel room after letting his friend's off for the night, he became aggressive and forced himself on to her. After forcing him off of her she said she ran for the door until he caught her and the two began tussling. According to hotel staff, damages to the room support her claims of a struggle , she says he finally got tired and pushed her out the door. His charges are Sexual Assault and Battery. If convicted he could face up to 10 years."

My heart was pumping out of my chest. What the fuck did he get himself into? Devyn was a lot of things, but a rapist wasn't one of them. Anybody who knew Devyn knew he loved women. Hell one day he and I had lunch together we saw a elderly white woman eating alone and he decided we should join her. The entire time we sat with her she had the biggest smile because of him. Once we payed for the food a waitress who said they knew the woman told us, that her husband died five years ago and during the past week she'd just buried her youngest son. She said that was the most she's seen her smile in years. All because of Devyn. I just knew something wasn't right.

"I'm gonna call Shawn okay Gee!? We're gonna get him out so stop crying baby, I love you. Call your parents they should hear this from you before Veronica starts running her mouth." I said trying to console my wife.

AT MY BEST PART II: Couples TripDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora