Chapter 1: The Tree of Life

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During my slumber, I saw a flash of a bright light, showing the wonderful meadow in its beautiful glory, and I was standing at the middle of the field facing a man in front of me whose face I cannot see. He wore pure white garments and golden sandals. His hair is a shiny wavy brown shoulder leveled hair and I noticed how his arms are spread wide open towards me.

"It is good to see you again, child!" He greeted as I realized that it was actually the Lord Jesus Christ, so I quickly hugged him. "Now," as we pulled apart "are you ready? What I am about to show you might cause you to be traumatized and frightened, but do not worry for I am with you. As will the Lord our Father."

I smiled nervously and warily because I have a feeling I won't like it. Even he mentioned that I might be traumatized. Just what is He going to show me?

"I think I can somehow handle it..." I responded "Hopefully." I muttered under my breath.

He smiled warmly, "You will be alright, daughter... I will not let you be in distress for I will be with you as I am always there right beside you..." he reassured.

Few minutes later of a pleasant silence, I observe the surroundings are calm; the breeze blew sweetly and gently causing the plants to either sway gracefully or sing in such a sweet velvet tone and rhythm. The waters of the river flows gently against the rocks as the water from the waterfalls softly falls without any turbulence and it is as clear as crystal that glistens beautifully with sparkles everywhere. The music being sang by nature is beautiful and it goes like this:

Zalwe s ao larelellu ave lordes takevunuku

Tomukironiro semiva tokuhu mitares veliehar

Halleluiah... Halleluiah... Halleluiah...

Halleluiah... Halleluiah... Halleluiah...

Ateauh xaravai pemieto suri takerou

A la seru tuku subiamareuah kentanyor

Timasuni devandroco... Slaterin deviyor conloro

Tendoron bendrokoyor estimimaro sorkiyalior

Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah...

Havestrobier mindrodron... jherendon venti sadoruka

Hasebu aveya ah...

Hesu Kristo kaberiu, aveiru ronukuconsmer rirar

Ah, Lordes... Ah Lordes... Ah, Lordes...

Yvasko anokio mi savroviki timbyen nasarores...

Halleluiah... Halleluiah... Halleluiah...

Zaikuwi nirairo dokiuwa meliesakero...

Ah love kuwa toru sumiktravelokon...

Entanyormariron dos mendies pevondrinday

Kintrovan bethreros avonios dinas kanterol bemokusai

Ah lordes ah... glorivenur vaneki entayo kusuinimbro cusonoto kuwa

Ah... Ah...

Zaxec trevec lajeroc bandora

Ah... Ah... Ah...

Gavenostrev viyasben arval cendrival expraron bevi

Ah... Ah... Ah...

I Love you! Together we spend our day in thy holiness!

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