Chapter-1 The Water World

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hello again how are you all doing this is my second book if you haven't read my first book its on my account now on with the story yaaaaaaaa........


chapter-1 The Water World

In this world there are no human but creatures with human body the strongest are the vampires then comes the warewolf then the merpeople and so on for the vampire there is a special school names vamp academy in this school there are elite students sasuke , kiba , sasori , neji , gaara .

"hey let's all go to aqua mine" shouted some random guy

A raven haired boy with deep black eyes who were all black says "why do you wanna go there" sasuke said annoyed "its where our food comes from so why"

"Its true that aqua mine provides food but it js also a tourist place" sasori said (im sorry but in this book the character s will be popping up)

"Okay class keep quite I have an announcement to make" kakashi said coming in "well the school is taking you all to aqua mine to teach you about life so we are leaving tomorrow"

"Ha that was unexpected" sasuke said annoyed

"Hmmmm" sasori hummed

----------------Day skiped to tomorrow-----------

"Okay remember to stay together well that's all get in" kakashi said yawning

"I wonder whats it like" neji said while getting on the bus

"I heard its really worth seeing" gaara said

"Come on hurry up we have to be there before sun sets" kakashi said yawning

-------------Time skiped they reach aqua mine---------

"Ah I feel like breaking my bones" said sasuke while stretching

"Ah finally" screamed kiba

"Will you keep quite" said neji annoyed

"Its pretty" said gaara

Everyone was shocked and looked at gaara

"What why are you looking at me like that stop it all of you" gaara said annoyed

"GAARA HAS EMOTIONS" everyone screamed in unicon

"Hey keep quite" said kakashi

While they where arguing they did not notice a brown-ish black hared guy move towards them in water (let me explain there is only a min lets say less than min land there and the rest is water)

"Ah excuse me" said the guy

Everyone turned towards the source of the voice

The guys hair was tied in a pony tail , he had large brown eyes . He had a scar on his nose which was horizontal he had a pale skin and a tail which started from his mid section

"Is something wrong why are all of you staring at me like that" said the guy nervously

"Oh im sorry im kakashi from vamp high" kakashi said blushing

All of the vamp high were smirking evilly while looking at kakashi and the mer-guy

"Oh yes im iruka welcome to aqua mine . Ummm can you step back a little" said iruka

Confused they moved.

Iruka kept his hands on the land and pushed himself out of the water he sat there for a few min until he was completely dry then his tails scale started to shed everyone was shocked with what they were seeing iruka's tail shed to reveal a pair of legs and he was naked to top it off . Kakashi had a nose bleed on seeing this .

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