Chapter 11

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Y/N pov:

I woke up and looked around in the hotel room. Oh god I'm meeting Little Mix today!!

I got up and walked to Emilja and woke her up.

'Get up you lazy ass! We need to hurry!!' Emilja groaned and looked at me tierdly.

'Well if we're in such a hurry then why are you still in your pjs?' I looked down and realised I haven't yet dressed.

'Well I needed to get you up first as you take forever to get ready'

'Talk to yourself'

I walked back into my room and looked through my clothes. I chose a pair of jeans shorts and white crop top with a pair of white Converse. I just brushed my hair as it have a naturally fall to it.

When I was done getting dressed and fixing my hair I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. I know what you may think now you live in a hotel why not order room service well I actually enjoy cooking so I rather cook something healthy then to order something unhealthy. I made us some bacon and egg with some grilled tost and hand pressed orangjucie. I have even brought some lemons as I NEED my daily lemon water. It's really good for the body and if you trying to lose waight I can recomand one glass of lemonwater to breakfast. I haven't always been in a good shape as I am today. My mother are big and all of my siblings well not my sister and my twin brother they had the luck to get dad's bones strukture. I have worked my ass off to get this fit but only two months of not doing anything will get me to look like a meatball. But yeah drink lemon water everymorning it's really good for your body.

I made my lemon water and I even made some for Emilja she's not a big fan of it but she drinks it anyways just to be 'healthy'.

After putting everything on the table Emilja came into the kitchen.

'Mm you made breakfast?' She asked sitting down and dug in.

'Yeah hope you like it.' We sat in silance eating and looking at our phones very social we are right?

'You haven't done your makeup?' She asked making me look up at her for the first time since she came in.

'No I didn't have a chance as someone was in the bathroom taking a hundred years long shower.' I remarked making her laugh.

'Sorry sorry but it's free now so you can do it now if you'd like I'll clean up here.' To say I was shocked was an understatement she never cleans up not even after herself. She must have hitted her head on something.

'I haven't hit my head I just can't let you go meet your girlfriend and looking like that and you won't have time to clean this up so I have to do it. Now go do your makeup.'

I did as she said I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. I fixed my eyebrows and putted on a light brown shade with a pink redish lipstick. When I was done I went back in the kitchen to see it all nice and clean.

'Okay so are you ready to meet your dream girl?' Emilja said behind me.

I smacked her on the shoulder to make her shut up and gave her an evil glare before walking past her to the door.

'Well aren't you in a rush?' she giggled and followed suit.

The hotel we stayed at wasn't that far from the place where Little Mix where to preform so we decided that we would walk there instead of spending money on bus tickets.

The closer the tivoli we came the more nervous I became. I mean what if she thinks I'm a freak or she doesn't like my cloths. To stop myself from self-douting myself more I started small talking with Em for a bit. I was so focus on our topic that I didn't realise that we had already arived at the park until Em stop right in front of me making me walk into her.

'Eyy Em watch where you going!' I nearly screamed.

'Well we're here idiot unless you would like to walk to the ABBA museum then be my guest.' she said looking around. 'Well aren't you gonna text her saying we're here or something so we can get in? Cause if you haven't notice the park is close rn.' she pointed at the sign where it stood what time the tivoli opened.

I took up my phone out of my pocket and went to snapchat. I got closer to Em and posed for a pic and typed the caption 'Standing outside the gates could you let us in?' and sent it to Perrie.

We waited a few minutes then my phone vibrated in my hand showing I got a snap from Perrie. I opened it and there was a pic of a guard and the back gate where all the celebs and the ones working enter from and the caption said 'He will let you in the back gate so go round and we'll see you there <3'

'Okay we gotta go around to the back gate there a guard will let us in.' I told Em and we started walking there and as Perrie said there was the man in the pic waiting for us.

'Can I see your arm please' he said politly. We did as he told and put out our arms where he putted wristbands on our wrists. 'Incase you want to go outside the park you just show this to the ones at the front gate and you'll get in without any problems.' he turned around and opened the gate to let us in and there stood...

End of chapter 11! 

A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update I know I wrote this summer that I was gonna try uploding once a month but I got trapped in both work and family drama! I hope you can understand and thank you for waiting. I can't promise when the next chapter will come up but it will sometime. Thank you for all of you who have wanted an updatew cause without you asking I don't think I wouldn't update this chapter so thank you again for that and for all the suport I got you guys are trully amazing and I hope this chapter pleased you. Love you all and stay strong be positive and give a stranger a smile cause it can make their day <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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