game night (2)

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It was probably time to make an appearance. I hadn't been in my room all day I went on the trampoline and Erik Came in saying he was bored so then we talked. Every so often Jake would come up and check in me. They shouldn't spend so much time worrying abut me. They need to get out more.
I started to jog down stairs and into the kitchen Were Jake was ordering food. This was going to be so Fun. I've never really played any of the board games we just got them got birthdays and never used them. I wonder witch one were playing.  looked pritty fun but it was really hard Carcassonne to play. Then again monopoly looked really boring. Kerplunk just seemed really quick to play. Cludo looked slightly complicated. You have to thick about it strategically which my brothers were great at because they play sport but I wasn't amazingly strategic.
"Hey little jay" I jumped as Erik appeared in front of me.
"Hey Erik"
"Were ordering pizza. We got you a small Margarita to share with Sammy that cool?" That's normally what we get anyway so I was fine with it. I nodded and moved over to the kitchen table and sat down. On the table there was all our board games set out. I didn't see Kerplunk or monopoly. I guess were not playing those. Jake moved over and sat across from me.
"Hi jay. Pizza's  coming. What game you want to play?" I thought about it some more. Probably Carcassonne just because it looked fun on the box.
"Can we play Carcassonne?"
"The twins wanted to play that to so I guess that's what were playing. Do you mind taking the other boxes to the shelf?" I moved over and lifted up 3 other boxes and Jake got the other 3. Then I sad down next to Sam and watched a dull talk show until the door bell rang. i heard the door open and a muffled conversation. then the door slammed as jake walked in looking furious with two pizzas in hand.

"wassup Jake?" Sam asked worried. Jake is rarely 

"the pizza boy was angry i didn't give him a tip so then he spat on me" i starred in disbelief. humans can be so mean some times. if we had the money to give him a tip he would've got one. 

"well that's a great start to the night" Erik muttered. we all moved to the table were Jake had already set up the game.

the night went on and Sam was winning, Erik was loosing and wasn't very happy about it. i was second and Jake was third. we had about 3 cards each left and i manged to take over Sams biggest village putting me 73 points up and Sam 61. i cant believe it. that was a great move. same tried to get back at me but by now we only have a card left each and there was no way he'd beat me unless he had all 4 of us working with him. finally we ended and counted up our additional scores: Erik, 34; Jake, 42; Sam, 69 and me 78. Erik looked like he'd just eaten a lemon then he got a disapproving look from Jake and he started to try and hide his displeasure. 

"looser has to pack away" Sam yelled and ran up to his room. i laughed a bit with Jake and headed upstairs with Jake. he followed me to my room to kiss me goodnight and then went back down stairs. before i knew it i was sleeping ignoring Erik's loud snores coming room his room. i wonder why Erik doesn't get annoyed. probably because he snores just as much.

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