Chapter 21 : No words are needed

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Sonoko stood at the dance floor, wiping away her tears hastily.

" So much for the best night of the year." she muttered to herself, spinning her heel to walk away when she stopped, eyes wide. There stood Sanshriyuki standing before her, the same emotionless expression on his face, yet there was something different in his eyes that she only saw him project towards Shiho. He lifted up his hand in her direction, a small smile on his face now.

" May I have this dance?" he asked.

From confusion to happiness, she took his hand and they danced across the floor skillfully.

" But what about your date?" she asked softly.

He seemed thoughtful before shrugging.

" I can cancel it, I guess." he said. " She'll understand."

" And if she doesn't. . .?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

He smirked at her.

" I'm sure you can cook something up." he replied.

She smiled back.

" Yeah. . ." she said quietly, pressing her head against his shoulder. " I guess I could."


" I thought that you didn't love me back." Shinichi said to Shiho, running his hands through her hair fondly, pressing small kisses on her neck with every word he said. She giggled at that, and punched him in the shoulder once again playfully, pushing him away from her for a moment.

" It was because I was still holding out for him." she said. " I kept thinking that at the end of everything; just like always, when I wanted him the most, he would come for me."

" But he didn't." Shinichi said.

She looked up at him and smiled warmly.

" No he didn't." she said. " You did."

He blushed.

" I don't know who I thought I was kidding, actually." she said heaving a sigh. " Whenever I felt lonely, you were right there by my side. When I was cold, you gave me warmth. When I was bored, you were there to accompany me. When I was hungry, you treated me to food. When I was sad. . ."

" I wiped your tears?" Shinichi said helpfully, and she cocked her brow.

" Sorry." he said sheepishly. " I love Literature."

" So I've heard." she said, unable to control herself, then regretted it soon afterwards.

He looked at her for a moment before gasping.

" You read my composition!" he said.

" Yes." she admitted. " If it makes you feel any better, it was really touching."

" Of course it was, it was directed towards you, wasn't it?" he said.

" That's true." she said.

He caught her eye and the both of them laughed.

"So what are you planning to do once you quit?" Shinichi asked her once they had ceased laughing.

" I'm not sure, actually." she admitted. " Probably further my studies."

" Don't you have an IQ of 200?" he said wittingly.

" I know that, actually." she said haughtily, and he rolled his eyes. " It's just that I always wanted to be a student again. . .eating lunch with friends, chatting about which boys were looking our way, going out to watch a movie. . ."

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