Introducing Miego

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Maddies POV

I was sitting on my couch watching TV when I heard a knock on the door. It was Diego! I was so happy to see him that I couldn't help but hug him. "Diego what are you doing here?" I asked "I wanted to see you." Explained Diego. We sat on the couch and as we were about to kiss my mom walked in and screamed at the top of her lungs. "What is that thing doing in my house?" Asked Mrs. VanPelt "I'm not a thing, I'm her boyfriend." Responded Diego "No you're not!" Cryed Maddies mother "Yes he is. if it weren't for him I wouldn't be here right now. I was trapped between limbo and here and he saved me even though he was about to faint because he was so weak. And.... I LOVE HIM!! Maddie yelled "I love you too Mads!" Diego said happily as he kissed Me too! Cheek

At Daniels house

Daniels POV

"T3 you better get back here." Yelled out Daniel Ding-Dong, sang the doorbell. "I'll get it." Mel said "Emma!" Mel said cheerfully and gave her a hug. "Em, I'm so glad you're here. the T3 love you. But I'll be here to help." Daniel told Emma. "Great! I'm exited!" Emma responded. I gave Emma a kiss on the cheek and I saw her blush. I couldn't help but stare at her beauty! I the T3 noticed because they were making kissy noises.we started babysitting and once they were asleep Emma and I watched a movie. We watched The Hunger Games. I woke up to my mom. She was shaking me saying "you fell asleep on the couch." It was 10:00 in the morning when she awoke me. I looked over and Em was in my arms. She looked so peaceful.

Andi's POV

I went over to Daniels early this morning to see ask him about shark practice and I looked through the window to see him and Emma asleep together on his couch. EWW... I mean AWW, No I definitely mean EWW! They are a cute couple but sometimes I feel left out. I recited Emma and told her "Sleepover tonight. I'll come over at 6. We need girl time." She responded with "Ok. I can't wait."


Diego's house

Maddie came over last night saying her mom wouldn't talk to her because she was dating me. I felt so bad. "So does this mean we have to break up?" I asked "No, we have to prove to her you're harmless!" I kissed her and when GIGI walked in she started screaming because she didn't think Maddie actually liked me. "OMGIGI!" GiGi screamed Maddie and I ended up watching the fault in our stars. After it was over she went to sleep in our guest room.

Emma's POV

I woke up to the T3 say "EWW" In perfect harmony obviously they didn't like that me and Daniel fell asleep together on the couch. Daniel gave me a kiss on the forehead and handed me a plate of pancakes! Ta this moment I felt like life was perfect but then...

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