Chapter 5 ~I'm Gone*

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Regina Mills pressed herself against the wall on the other side of the hospital room, as far as she could from the delirious girl who had all but tried to claw everyone's eyes out since being checked in. The girl's face was a deadly white. Her dark brown hair was stuck to her face with sweat. Her lips were blue.

Her eyes were brown.

It was clear Angela Edwards was gone.

If she didn't know any better, Regina would have thought Angela was having one long seizure. The girl convulsed underneath the several people holding her still. She grunted and screamed like a wild animal being slaughtered.

"Hold her down!" Dr. Whale screamed at his four nurses. Angela screamed in protest. The women almost couldn't handle her. While the doctor fetched his syringe, she bucked as the nurses finally managed to strap her torso in the hospital bed with a long belt.

"LET ME GO!" Angela wailed as she fought to have her arms free from the ladies' grip.

"Hold her!" Regina yelled slightly nervous.


Dr. Whale looked at the Evil Queen warily with the syringe in his hand, doubtful.

"Do it." Regina commanded, glaring at the doctor for second guessing her orders.

"PANNNNNNNNNN!" Angela screamed louder than even Regina thought possible from a human being. And she had tortured many traitors in the Enchanted Forest herself.

The blood vessels in Angela's eyes popped. With eyes completely filled with bloody red and terror, she stared at the Queen.

Dr. Whale plunged the syringe into her arm.

"Pan." Angela let out her last broken sob.

Regina watched the child fall into a deep slumber. She watched as all the power in her body slipped away and she knew what she must do. She would take her to Mr. Gold.

For the Evil Queen was sure he had brought her to Storybrooke on his own accord. As evil and as powerful as Regina was, she knew better than to steal from Neverland.

She would have never stolen the legendary Wendy Darling from the most powerful villain in the entire world....

4 MONTHS LATER ~ Present Day:

Rosemary didn't know what to do. She was staring, but she couldn't find the will to force herself to stop. She was in History class, taking a test. Well, she had finished fifteen minutes into their forty minute time limit, but even then she was supposed to be doing something. Coach Web didn't mind his students on their phones after their test was turned in. Rose was aware her thumb was hovering over the SEND button on her phone. She had just finished typing out where Storybrooke Highs' student council was meeting after school when Spencer Green suddenly pushed his black curls out of his dazzling blue eyes.

Rosemary was helplessly in love with him. She had been for as long as she could remember. So far back that she remembered drawing the band logos from his T-shirts on notebook paper and downloading her favorites of each album on her red iPod when she got home. Here they were, juniors in high school, and Rosemary didn't feel any closer to him than she did watching the geeky blue eyed boy from the back of her Biology class freshman year.

Suddenly, Spencer jumped up, test in hand, and strode confidently to the Coach's desk. When he turned, she made awkward eye contact with him before he found his seat again. He stared at her empty desk amused and rolled his eyes. Rose knew Spencer had long given up on trying to beat her for valedictorian, he settled for teasing the girl ranked third in the class. He also settled for being her best friend.

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