Chapter 1: Beginning of a Legend

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Gods...deities who have immeasurable power. They can destroy beings at a whim or kill off a planet with a snap of their fingers. Well, that some gods. Other gods have the ability to create life out of nothing. One in particular created another realm that doesn't adhere to the rules set in order by other gods. A realm unlike any others, such as the Human Realm and Demon Realm. The name is Henir, otherwise known as Void. A realm that could be stated as balancer to other realms created by the God of Darkness, Henir.

That said a realm such as this has nothing set in place. A realm were rules can be twisted in one direction in one area and be drastically different in another. Even though Henir created this space, he couldn't look over everything due to certain reasons. In this case, he had hired a man by the name of Luto, who overlooked a certain part of this realm to make sure everything is fine, which over time was called Henir's Space and Time. Luto did a amazing job as far as anyone knows, but due to unknown circumstances was fired from his position and never seen again. Coincidentally, someone at the same time was being punished for his pursuit of of truth, Absolute Truth, by high a god called "Creator" and sent to be the administrator of this section.

A man devoted to find the truth committed a taboo. As a result, being an administrator of Henir's Space and Time, was only the tip of the iceberg. He lost the only person dear to him; nobody can remember if it was his lover, daughter, or mother, even he can't truly remember himself. His original body couldn't handle the pressure of being in this new space, so he lost his original body for a new one that can stand the pressure emitted by this realm. A watcher of Henir's Space and Time, a human who lost everything due to his greed and even his emotions slowly faded away leaving him with only one thing, boredom and loneliness.

"Hmm...What to do now?" the man pondered. "I fixed those minor distortions that happened due to that experiment. Wonder-" before the man could even finished his thoughts, a bright light filled the space leaving him dazed for several seconds. Once his sight returned, it left him wide eyed. He saw two kids with grievous wounds that were healing at a snail's pace, though wounds shouldn't be able to heal at all.

Walking closer he was able to make out some of their features..."WHAT THE FUCK?!" he shouted before racing to take them and get there wounds treated. Hey he may hold the human equivalent of unlimited power, but his abilities don't reign over healing.


"Where am I" Natsumi said as she starts to wake up and look around. "If this is the afterlife, than it's really boring." Gazing around to the field...not even. It's just a barren field. She started to walk around to try and gauge her surrounding...


...before she heard something.

'What was that' she thought before she heard more noise. Taking a look around she saw some figures in the distance, but couldn't see them properly due to being to far.


She started to pick her pace up a bit. She started to feel... nostalgia? It weird to her due to never having the slightest recollection of those voices, but some part of her knows this very personal and dear to her.

" cream."

As she was coming closer, she began to jog and then sprint into a run. Something...odd was drawing...that's not the right, but not-...that's it. It was longing towards something. What it is she'll know when she gets there.


"I ain't dead yet, so that's a good thing...maybe" Adeo says as he tries to get up. Tries being the operative word, since he's just floating in a dark space with random glass mirrors passing by him. Each glass mirror seemed to play the memory of someone.

"If this is the afterlife, than what the hell I do to be put in here?!" Adeo shouted trying to make heads and tails of what the hell is going on. Sighing to his rhetorical question, he starts to gaze at the glass mirrors he is passing by or they're passing by.

" made?" a childish voice, not unlike his voice rang out in the space Adeo finds himself in. For some inexplicable reason, a pain is in his chest once he heard the voice. He starts to look for it.

"" a another voice was heard, but this one sounded mature and feminine compared to the first one. The pain in his chest grew more as he was now trying to search for where he is hearing those voice from fervently. He started to feel some kind of longing to what he was hearing and wanted to find out what it was.


"Mind telling me what the fuck did you do now Paradox?" an annoyed voice rang out, that has some slight age in it, in the space where three individuals are. The individual who spoken was the same man from before. This individual is known as Glave or better yet the new administrator of Henir's Space and Time. He was a tall man with white spiky hair on his head, while his face had a gray metal mask that had only a single eye hole with his eye being a glowing gold color. He was wearing a gray overcoat that had red and white lines around the collar as well as running down the middle. Around his neck was a series of chains interlacing the overcoat with locks on them, both being a rusty brown color. To finish it off, he had white gloves with seemingly harmless blue glowing cubes floating in his hands.

The individual known as Paradox was Adeo or at least something inhabiting Adeo's body as it started to move with both scleras being black with his pupils glowing a soft electric lavender.

"I'm curious as well boy. As Glave said and I quote "What the fuck did you do now Paradox?"." was the final voice in the room that had a sickly sweet undertone that promised pain. Like Adeo, Natsumi's body was being inhabited by something else, but in this case the changes were more prominent than Adeo's. Natsumi instead of having blond and white hair, she had completely white hair that looks a pure as snow. Along with that she had 9 tails attached to her backside and swaying softly. Her eyes instead of there usual heterochromatic eyes, they were red with vertical yellow slits. On her face, there were pink markings that were reminiscent of fox whiskers. Eun was the name of the being currently in control of Natsumi's body.

"Chance" was all he said in a monotone voice regardless of the underlying threat by Eun. His face is what you can call an eternal deadpan one.

He drew to curious gazes from the rooms occupants as his answer wasn't what they expected. They were hoping for some kind of dumb answer and proceed to punch him in the face...hard.

"What do you mean by "chance"?" questioned Glave in his usual aloof tone. He known paradox for a good while since he was destroying timelines and he had to due minor adjustments so they don't affect anything else, but this time dimensions and timelines were messed up. Alot more work to get done in that case, but something to kill boredom. So, he wasn't very mad..., but the case still stands.

"Another chance for myself and inadvertently everyone, my dear Father".   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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