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"A human can only live three weeks without water. And we'll leave you for five." the CPU watching over us said. He left.

Cocky little one, aren't you? I said to myself.

"How will we get out? This was your idea, Luke?" the first one said.

"Yes. This is my idea." I replied. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I pulled out a small pin from my pocket. "You know what I'm doing, right?" I asked.

"Not a clue." he replied.

"This entire sector is empty, so nobody is patrolling it. We can sneak out." I said. I realized this'll be harder than I thought.

"We need weapons, though. To survive."

"I'll take care of that. You see that over there?" I pointed to a wrench that was left alone. Probably to taunt me.

"Of course. I know exactly what you're doing." he replied. I unlocked the gate with the hairpin and sneaked over to the wrench.

"This'll be pretty hard, but there's a nearby gun station. Only a few SMGs, but enough ammo to go around." I sneaked to the other side and peeked for CPU. Not a single one in sight. I walked straight to the small station (Not a room, just a small CPU-esque mount on the wall with some guns on it.) I took them, with the ammo, and half-sneaked half-ran to the cell. I passed the guns around and they picked them up.

"Let's do this!" one of them yelled.

"Anyways, what's your names again?" I asked them. If I were to die, I'd want to remember their names.

"I'm John, and this guy's Carter." John replied. Carter was the one that yelled.

"Alright. Let's hope we survive." I said. I was sure we were going to survive, I've been in the citadel, the vault, and now we're here.

A CPU walked over to check on us. As it turned the corner, Carter pulled it in and I slammed it with my wrench.

"This place'll be swarming with them, so take their ammo." I suggested. They scavenged all of their ammo, even grenades.

"Toss one over the corner, and we'll go in guns blazing. It's risky, but if I'm to die, it'll be in glory rather than in a corner crying." I said to the crew.

"Anything you say, Doc!" Carter said. He threw a grenade and started shooting. Everyone else came to back him up.



"Ah, the Free One and his friends. Come to see me?" General Whittaker said. "Not today." he said, running off.

"That wimp!" John yelled. A low humming was heard behind us. I turned around and there was a small metal machine with a sharp, spinning blade.

 I turned around and there was a small metal machine with a sharp, spinning blade

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"How the hell did the Spyhacks get here?" I said, as they charged at me. I whacked one with my wrench, and if broke into a bunch of pieces. The other ones were only angered, charging faster with faster blades. I kicked one to the ground and pulled out my Counter Resonant Singularity Device. 

Good thing it wasn't destroyed in the process of all those other bases falling down. 

I charged back a shot and fired. The Spyhack was launched all the way to the wall, and broke. I pulled one forward with the device and launched it at another, destroying both of them. I pulled another forward, and launched it towards a group of CPU. It exploded, causing the CPU it hit to die. Another Spyhack attempted to blow up in my face, but I was too quick. I charged my shot, firing it at a huddle of CPU, blowing them all up. I pulled back one of their bodies, and launched them at a CPU that tried to get a little too close. I tossed my CRSD to John and pulled out the OSIPR2. I charged back a shot, and fired. The reflective bullet disintegrated a large but spread-out squad of CPU.

"A huge crew of Synth creatures are coming soon. Minisynthetics are already dropping in!" Carter yelled.

"Fire away then!" I said. John passed over the CRSD and I put it away. I threw my wrench at one of the Minisynthetics, cutting out it's top eye. It shook around a bit, confused, but then was angered. He fired a very long round of his bullets, but I jumped to cover. John had taken most of the effect. He retreated back and pulled out a small bottle of green fluid. It was the signature Doctor Maxwell's Magical Heal-All Vial used by Townguards and doctors, taken for all rebel's use. He took a small sip and put it away, jumping out of cover quickly. I jumped out of the cover to assist.

Carter was right. Gunships were everywhere, dropships dropped the Synthetics onto the roof, ready to fire, and Minisynthetics were dropping in faster than we could handle.

"Alright, evacuate out to the roof! There's a staircase with a bridge!" I yelled.

"It's filled with turrets!" John said.

"Bring grenades!" I yelled back. I kicked a CPU down and scavenged some grenades from him.

"Follow me, stay under my cover!" I pulled out a shield made from a lightweight CPU metal. It was capable of blocking any sort of bullet without taking extreme damage, allowing it to be used in high-powered but short-lived combat.

A lot of the Minisynthetics were firing their explosive bullets, causing the shield to corrode. We had to go faster from the sheer amount of them. I tossed the shield out and the Minisynthetics were running over.

"Up here!" I motioned to a pillar. "If we climb this up, we can jump to that rope and climb out!" I hopped up on the pillar and climbed up. I hopped over to the rope and started going up.

"Come on guys!" I yelled down.

"We can't! You'll have to leave us!" Carter yelled back.

"I won't let that happen!" I yelled back.

"We'll manage!" John yelled.

"Wait!" I yelled. I heard a lot of crashing through windows, as I saw four recognizable faces come out guns blazing.

Mason, Maddie, Varia, and Benton!

"Miss me, filthy dogs?" Mason yelled, blasting away Minisynthetics with shotguns.

"Can't hide from me!" Maddie yelled, running over to a CPU elite and kicking him down. She fired her shotgun in his face before turning around and firing her remaining shotgun shells at evacuating CPU.

After the last of the CPU was either killed or evacuated, we evacuated ourselves through the roof.

"Alright, we're all going to get out of here, but we won't do this without a trace. We're blowing this place up from the inside!" Benton yelled.

"How will we do that?" Maddie asked.

"We're gonna destroy their power cores, of course! The CPU will be brought to their knees and we'll finally have our sweet victory!" Benton said.

"We're gonna need a lot of manpower for that." John said.

"Obviously C4 explosives." Benton said, pulling out about 10 packs of C4. He passed it around to everyone. "The code is 5423. Type it in, throw it on the floor, and run the hell out!" He gave everyone a rappelling rope for easy escape.

"Prepare for a blast, everyone!"


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