The Wake-Up Call

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    The Townguard entered my room. "Follow me to the interrogation rooms" he said. I followed him all the way to the Interrogation Rooms. It was a while until we got there. It seemed like forever.

"Heh, looks like you did something bad. You're probably in major trouble with Dr. Maxwell." the Townguard said.

"Looks like I am." I replied.

"No hard feelings, I'm just doing my job."

"For your satanic reasons."

"Keep talking and I'll make sure it hurts worse." We arrived at the rooms.

He showed me the room I would be interrogated in. Another Townguard was in it. "Need help with this one?" said the one that was in the room.

"No need." said the other one. The one that was in the room left, and me and the other Townguard entered the room. The Townguard then began to take off his mask. 

"Now, about that bet last night..." said the now-unmasked Townguard.

"Benton! How did you get here? Last time I saw you was at that one prison place"

"Thanks to your wrench you left there, I escaped with ease."

"My wrench? Do you still have it?"

"Right here." He tossed me the wrench.

"Thanks. Now let's get out of here."

"Wait! I have to radio Dr. Garner. He'll have the info on how to get to his lab."

"Good idea, let's do it."

We got the radio panel and started up the radio. "Doctor, can you hear me?" I asked.

"Luke? How did you get here? Didn't you die in the accident at the White Forest lab?" he said.

"Benton's choppers shot down some of them, but they ended up capturing us."

"What do you mean by 'us'?"

"Maddie, Mason, and Varia are here too."

"So that means Jack is finally gone?"

"Nope. He joined the Townguard."

"Really? Well, we have to kill him fast. Benton, secretly take control of a Spyhack and try and assassinate Jack when he's not suspecting it."

"The Spyhacks are too weak, and the other Spyhacks would turn against me."

"Luke, are you willing to assassinate Jack?"

"With pleasure, after he killed my entire family."

"Good luck. Benton, lead him to my lab. We can get him to Maddie's room, she'll help you from there."

"Will do, Doc. Come on, Luke. Let's get you to his lab."

"Has he finally gotten all the ichthyosaurs out of his water supply?"

Benton opened the door. "Get out quickly! They're here!" I ran out the door, and just kept running down the long hallway until I reached the living quarters. When I entered the living quarters, I saw four Townguards just standing there as if they were waiting for me. "There he is. Get him." one of them said, as they all began shooting. I blacked out, but heard a familiar voice. "Not today, Civil Protection!" the voice screamed, right before gunfire. "Luke, are you okay?" It was Maddie!

"Thank God you got here in time! I couldn't have possibly taken them all down with just my fists!" I said.

"Let's get to Garner's lab. Fast. The CPU are already on us. This way." I followed her down the hallway, and we ended up in a room with lots of barrels. "Why does he have so many barrels?" I asked.

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