Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

He nodded walking over to the table where the cake was looking at it. "Wow baby girl you did a great job."

"Thanks daddy. I wanted it to be special for Jordan, especially after what happened to him."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "You always did that."

"Did what?" I asked pulling my eyebrows together.

"You always looked after your siblings. Hell half the time I felt more like guest than a parent. You always had everything together."

"I was just trying to make things easier for you and mom."

"I know baby girl and that's why you're my favorite."

I laughed shaking my head. "I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to have a favorite child daddy."

"Well then it will be our little secret."

"Okay daddy. So how are you holding up? Are you taking your medicines and exercising like you're supposed to?"

He sighed. "Besides your damn mother driving me crazy, I am doing fine. Not to mention your husband seems more attached to me then before. I don't know if I should feel flattered or suffocated."

I smiled. Lucas told me he wanted to get to know my dad some more so I told him to hang out with him more. I didn't know he was driving my dad crazy though. "He just wants to feel a part of the family."

"Yea he told me his story but I didn't let that stop me from warning him on what will happen if he hurts you."

"Daddy Lucas would never hurt me, he loves me. He would hurt himself before he would even think about hurting me."

"That's nice in theory but I mean what I say. I won't tolerate my favorite child being hurt by anyone."

"Okay daddy," was all I could say.

"I may be old but I can still kick some ass." We both laughed.

We finally got everything together for the party and just in time because as soon as we were done Raquel and Jordan showed up. We jumped up from behind the furniture when he walked in with Raquel and he froze like the last time. I thought he was going to run away like the last time but he put on a smile. I knew he hated it.

We eventually moved to the backyard where we were now eating and drinking and laughing. Everyone seemed to be having a good time which was good I suppose.

I took a piece of cake to Jordan who was sitting down by the pool on a chair. "I thought you would be enjoying the party."

"You know this really isn't my kind of scene."

"Yea but this whole party is for you, so you should be enjoying yourself."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Always little brother."

"I'm having a hard time being back here. I wake up sometimes wondering what the hell am I even doing."

I sat down next to him grabbing his hand in mine. "I know it'd hard being back here, but you gotta give it time. You're not the same person you were when you left. You're going to have to find yourself again."

"And how do I do that?"

"Well, you can start by enjoying this time with your family and if you ever get tired of sitting at home doing nothing, you can always come help me out at the shop."

"You know I can't bake," he said smiling.

I laughed. "Trust me I know, but I can always teach you."

"I would like that big sis." We smiled at each other and then things got quiet. Things never got quiet between us unless one of us was trying to figure out a way to tell the other something. I knew I had nothing to reveal which meant he did. "I talked to Brianna," he finally said.

And there it was. Things always led back to Brianna. I sighed letting go of his hand. "Good for you," was all I could say.

"She's not doing too good Samaria, she needs us."

Once again I sighed. "She can't have me right now."

"Look I know some things happened while I was gone but we are family and we can't let such things get in the way of that Samaria."

Now I was mad. I stood up. "I am done condoning any action or words spoken or done by anybody, and that includes ungrateful siblings or family members."

He stood up too. "I'm not asking you to condone anything, I'm just asking you to give her another chance."

"Jordan let me be clear once and for all, right now Brianna doesn't have any chances left with me. Now if you want to continue being my brother then that's fine but that's excludes Brianna. You can continue to have contact with her but just leave me far away from it."

"It shouldn't be that way."

"Well we all have tough decisions to make that may seem unfair, but at the end of the day we have to do what's best for us and that's what I'm doing Jordan and I need you to respect that."

"I will just promise me you won't close your heart to her. She looked bad sis and I know sooner or later she's going to need your whether she likes it or not."

"I'll try little brother," I said smiling at him little at him.

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