I notice one of last year. Isaac is sitting on the ground against the wall in Derek's old hiding place. I'm sitting next to him with a science book in my hand, because we had the toughest test given my Mr. Harris. I'm also looking up because I notices Erica stole my phone. Erica is standing in front of us, taking a selfie with us in the background.

I remember her saying that it was the first time she actually felt confident enough to take a picture of herself. 

"Who's that?" I hear someone say and notice that Kira is sitting down next to me. She blushes, "Sorry, I didn't mean to look at your phone. You were just staring at it and you look sad."

"She was my friend." I answer her and rest my head against the locker, "She was killed in the beginning of the year, an animal attack."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kira says and frowns, "What was her name?"

"Erica. She was one of the strongest persons I ever knew. I really miss her." I can feel my eyes burning because of the tears, I never really had the time to mourn her or Boyd. I mostly tried to ignore it, but I know I can't run from it forever.

Kira places her hand on mine and gives me a sad but comforting smile. The school slowly starts to fill with more students and I slowly get up, "Why are you here so early?"

Kira gets up too, "My dad gave me a ride, he wanted to be early so he could prepare for his classes." 

I notice Scott and Stiles walk into the school and wave at them, but they don't notice me. I shrug and turn back to Kira, who opens her locker. A few books fall out and I help her pick it up.

"I thought I was clumsy." I smile at her and she laughs softly. "We have the same class right?" I ask her when she closes her locker. She nods and we walk away together.


"Son of a bitch!" I can hear Coach yell and chuckle. Stiles turns around to look at me and winks before turning back to Scott.

"Oh, God, what did you do?" Kira whispers to me. I just give her an innocent smile in response and Coach walks into the classroom, slamming the door behind him.

"Mischief Night, Devil's Night. I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil. You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle." Coach says, and everyone chuckles.

He slams Scott's desk, "Mine's a freaking omelet."

He turns to his desk, "Oh, this? We're gonna do this again?" He grabs the box on his desk. Which is actually a real present. "I don't think so." He drops it on the ground and steps on it. His eyes grow wide when he hears a breaking sound and quickly opens the now broken present. A mug with a picture of him, underneath it it says #1 coach.

He reads the card and sighs, "Happy birthday. Love, Greenberg."


I carefully walk into the loft, my dad texted me they were back.

"Ow! Don't you have any anesthetic?" I hear my dad's voice.

"Yep." Derek's voice answers and I see them sitting in the back. Derek is... sewing my dad's finger back on? What the hell?

"You guys are gone for a few weeks and somehow manage to get your finger ripped off?" I ask them and Derek looks up. "Maybe."

I grin at him, relieved to see him again and place my hand on his shoulder before looking at my dad's finger, "Uh, that doesn't look so good."

"Are you at least going to tell me what I risked my life and digit for?" My father asks Derek, a little annoyed. Derek finishes helping him with his finger and my dad hisses in pain before looking at his hand. 

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