The boy who died

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Harry cried out in agony as the killing curse hit him square in the chest, he fell dropping his wand beside him as he felt life escaping his body rapidly.

"Draco, it's finished" smirked Bellatrix as she placed a hand on the snakes shoulder, Draco however didn't feel the glee he thought would come with murdering the boy whom he notoriously hated with such a passion.

Draco stared off in silence, a feeling that somehow represented regret filling his gut, "we- I did it" he shuddered.

"I'll go report to the Dark Lord, he will be very, very pleased to learn that you were the one who did it, I will return shortly to dispose of the body, good job Draco" The woman strutted out of the dungeon leaving the snake and the lion together for the chosen ones last moments.

Draco approached the dying boy and knelt next to him "Harry" he whispered as he caressed the others face, the blonde never noticed it until now just as he held the lions hand how empty he felt after muttering the spell, like there was nothing left for him, he then said the one thing he never thought he would utter.

"Harry, I'm so sorry" he whispered through his tears that hadn't even come to his attention until now, he gripped the others hand tighter "I'm so sorry for everything I did, I was so vain and horrible to you I made life hell for you".

He wiped his tears with his free hand "oh Harry, I am so sorry" he sobbed as he started started to break down, suddenly Harry's hand tightened around his "I-I'm sorry too Malfoy" Draco looked up in surprise.

"I should have given you a chance, you just wanted to be my friend a-and I" Harry coughed and some drops of blood spurted from his mouth.

Draco sat watching the boy who lived die in front of him and witnessing this scene triggered something in him, barely thinking he declared "i will make it up to you, I'll take your place and kill the Dark Lord in your name" Harry smiled "such a stubborn ferret" Draco had then did something out of instinct and kissed him to which Harry responded.

"I'll make sure your memory lives on Potter, I refuse to die until this is over" Harry reached up and pulled the blonde down for another kiss "I love you" Draco felt tears well up in his eyes as he replied "I love you too Harry" he then watched painfully as the life faded from those beautiful forest green eyes.

And then Harry Potter woke up, it was all a dream "huh that was weird" he muttered under his breath and then he carried on with his day the end.

Written by glxyblu (he/him)

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