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I'm getting ready to go to Girl Scouts with Darron when Praise walks into our room.

"Hey, Jynx! Darron's a really sweet guy, and I'm glad you know him," she says.

She starts taking off her shoes. Her hair is in a bun, and she takes out the hair tie, too.

I turn away from her to get my phone and wallet. "Yeah, I really hoped I'd keep my edgy aesthetic in college, and I guess I was right," I say.

When I turn back, she's shirtless. Her jeans only come up to her belly button, so I see her toned stomach. Her bra is black but not sexy or anything. Her cleavage looks nice, though, but I turn away again so that I don't seem rude.

"I like your style. It's all rugged and rebellious. I could just eat you up!" she says.

I feel her hands on my shoulders, and I turn around to see her wearing a red crop top. She looks curvy in this outfit. Praise leaves the room, and I make my way towards the basement of Loons.

There's a commons area in each dorm, and I see a group of guys down there when I arrive.

"Everyone, this is Jynx!" Darron introduces me.

The men, mostly white underclassmen, wave to me and say a bro-greeting. I wave back and sit beside Darron. The leader of the club, a senior jock, points to a map that he taped to the wall. It's a map of campus, and he drags his finger across a road that cuts through campus. That's our spot.

We all start heading over, and I make Darron walk in the back with me. No one really talks to us anyways, so we're on our own.

"You know that emo group of friends that you sat with during breakfast? Are there any single girls that would be interested in me?" I ask.

Darron looks over at me with a smirk. "Oh, Jynx. Praise didn't work so well?"

"She took her shirt off in front of me," I reply.

"Ah, I see," he nods. "The lady-boner is too strong. Do you remember the girl with long-ass black hair? She's bi, but I'm not sure if she's looking right now."

I remember her because of the hair and because she wore a Bring Me The Horizon sweatshirt. She was the most colorful out of everyone at the table, but she was also the most talkative and dominating in conversation. She went on and on about music, school, and politics. I know I won't get along with her, but I'll probably get her number sometime soon.

"Are you into anyone in the friend group?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I'm more into popular girls. As much as I love my fellow emos, I can't stand being romantic with them."

I laugh until I grab my side. He chuckles a bit, too, but we soon get to the spot where we Girl Scout. When we get there, Boy Scouts is there, but they're on the other side of the road.

"What's that about?" I ask.

"If you're brave enough to cross the road by yourself, you can go ask someone from Boy Scouts for their number. That takes balls, though. Most of us just talk to the girls who pass by on the road," he replies.

I was fixing my leather jacket and looked up to see Praise walking in a group of girls. They're approaching us and blowing kisses to some boys in the club, and Praise locks eyes with me. Her lashes flicker at me, and her skin glows golden in the sun. She shines.

Praise and her friends stop to talk to the Girl Scouts. Most of them talk to the upperclassmen white boys who have curly dark hair and a good fashion sense, and even Darron gets a shot at one of the girls, but Praise comes straight to me.

"I never actually got your number," she says.

She pulls out her phone, which is the newest iPhone model, and it's in a pastel yellow case. She pulls out a new contact and looks back up at me with her big eyes. I was too busy looking at her big hair to notice her eyes, though. Her curls are waves of water rushing down a waterfall from her scalp, and her edges look like the small waves that make it to shore.

I tell her my phone number, she writes it down, and she gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. The boys around me watch and whisper to each other, but smiles and nudges are passed around instead of hateful gestures.

Praise brushes her curls behind her ear as she leaves, and her squad of friends walks away back towards Loons.

I think the boys noticed the flirting.

"Jynx! We didn't know you were friends with her! Can you give us her number when she texts you? Can you put in a good word for me?"

My happiness concaves into the creases of my body.

Darron pulls me aside by the upper arm, and we hang out at the back of the group until the buzz subsidizes.

"Listen, Jynx, this isn't even your fault. I feel like gay people always think that shit like this is their fault, but it's Praise's fault for being closeted and flirty," he says.

I wrap my arms around his arm and rest my head against his shoulder. He's warm and comforting like a bad-boy brother. He's Rodrick!

"Jynx," he continues, "I think you should hear about my experience with my first love. Her name was Reese Thomas, and she's the most basic white girl you've ever met. We dated for a couple years before graduation, but it turned out that she never even liked me that entire time. She was just pretending to like me so that guys would be more interested in her. She only cheated a couple of times, but it still felt like shit, you know?"

"Shit," I stutter, tripping on all of the lies and deceit that Reese must've left. "Darron, we are fucked up."

"How are you fucked up?"

I look over at the chapel as we walk by it. In front of the doors stands the tall brunette of my purgatory. She has her hands in her pockets but her right foot in front of her left. Her torso is slightly leaning towards me, but she doesn't run. She simply watches over me.

"Church?" he asks.

I shake my head, both to snap out of it and to say no to his question. "Sorry, I thought I saw someone."

When I look back, a bouquet of small assorted flowers takes her place in front of the chapel.

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