Brooke and Kouzelný

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It's been a while since Kouzelný gained sentience. Brooke was immensely excited about having a friend, even more so when she realized he'd come in the form of a cat. However, she was disappointed. Kouzelný is a polar opposite of her. While she is fun loving and carefree, he is serious and responsible all the time. Because of this, Kouzelný tends to look down on Brooke, and the latter teases him at every chance.

Kouzelný uses proper names for people. Brooke is brooke, I am Machelle. He is Kouzelný, and he doesn't like nicknames. Brooke, however, has no such behavior. She calls me stormy (the character I play in my daydreams, the "person" she met first), Kouzelný "Cous-Cous" , and the like.

Here is a conversation the three of us had the other day. I am M, Kouzelný is K, and Brooke is B.

K: It is important to drink water, Stormy. I
M: Did you just call me Stormy?
K: Perhaps. A slip of the tongue!
B: Wait... Do cats even have tongues??

Brooke has become much better at piping in whenever she sees fit. This is in part due to her age, but more so her vocality. Vocality is a Tulpas ability to speak, including volume, sentence length, and ability to interject themselves. When she was first created, I needed to think of her directly before she'd say anything. Kouzelný sees no need for such things. He is content as an invisible cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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