Day one

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NOTE: I misunderstood how to tell if a Tulpa is conscious. Brooke turned out to be an extremely rare case of a Tulpa being created immediately. She was conscious and is still around. I am redoing the book for Kouzelný, a second Tulpa that I expect to take a normal amount of time. Brooke wants to write a book on here, but is undecided on what to write about. This is just the chapter about Brooke deleted and written over, so if some of the comments seem off that's why.

This is the journal for Kouzelný, my second Tulpa. Brooke has been begging me for a friend, so I am making her one after much deliberation. Tulpas stay with you forever. Please do not create one unless you are sure.

This chapter is mostly about who Kouzelný is now, how I created him. He may change. This is a jumping point for him to stem from. These traits are the things I need to keep in mind when I "force" him.

Appearance: He is like the Cheshire cat. Not the cartoon one, just imagine a super smart car that can teleport. Not sure on Markings yet.
Personality: he is responsible, more than I am. Wide and mature, friendly but very capable of being serious when  he needs to be.

My method: I have MaDD, a mental disorder that causes daydreams. I will be daydreaming about him as much as possible, going on adventures and speaking to him. I will be choosing what he says for now, until he is ready to choose for himself. This is called "forcing" and is essentially training my brain to think for him. Once this part of my brain I sufficiently trained, it will begin to act separately from the rest of me (think about when you look at simple math equations and immediately know the answer without thinking about it) and then that part of me will be Kouzelný.

The creation of Kouzelný, a Tulpa JournalWhere stories live. Discover now