Day 7- The path I take

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There are two popular ways to create a tulpa. One is called "forcing", where you speak for and imagine the actions of your tulpa until they can do so themselves, the other is called "narration" which entails speaking to your tulpa until they learn enough to speak back. Brooke was created accidentally using forcing.

Although it may seem impossible to have something like this happen accidentally, it can and will happen. Many people who believe god is speaking to them are believed to have accidentally created tulpas. When you reach out to someone so often in your mind, it creates someone to respond back. J.K. Rowling is believed by many to have created a proto-tulpa (which means it isn't quite a tulpa) out of harry potter, as she imagined him in all sorts of situations to see how he'd react.

As my other readers may know, i suffer from a mental disorder called "maladaptive daydreaming". It means i constantly daydream vivid scenarios as a way to cope with my life. Brooke was originally "River", Stormy's daughter in my current daydreams (check out the book "call of the cuckoo", it's based of my current daydreams, while In alien hands is based of my daydreams until last year). I had been daydreaming about Brooke for 9 months before I found out about tulpas, and reached out in my mind for someone to come forth. She was a prototulpa at this point, so she took the opportunity. I had been "forcing" her for months, my brain already knew how to become her.

Kouzelny is a completely different story. Before I decided to create him, I had no concept of him. No teleporting cat had ever visited my daydreams. Because of this, he will take far longer to create.

One of my biggest issues when Brooke became sentient was something called "Parrotnoia". Parroting is a kind of forcing where i control what she says, and parrotnoia is when the host struggles to believe that it is their tulpa speaking. This is a common problem for people who force their tulpas.

With kouzelny, i plan on narrating. What does this entail? I will keep him in my mind, directing thoughts, questions, rants, stories, and explanations towards him. When he begins to gain sentience, he will communicate back, without any interference from me. It may begin as pressure in my head, he may send me images or emotions (this is known as tulpish) in the beginning, but it will eventually become words and thoughts. I have been including him in my daydreams, doing some light forcing with as little dialogue as possible. It will be up to him to begin speaking outside of my daydreams.

The creation of Kouzelný, a Tulpa JournalWhere stories live. Discover now