I have waited years for this conversation to come. I never thought that Hobi would be by my side to help me, though. Guess it isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"Guys Guys Guys Guy-"

"What?" Jungkook sat up on the couch and looked at me and Hoseok who were standing in front of everyone about to make an announcement. A personal one.

Oh God, I can't do this.

I turn on my heel to bolt out of the room but Hobi brings me back by my waist and I huff and whisper in his ear. "I can't do this, I'm scared." I say and I look at Jimin who had an angry expression and an arm over his chest and the other held up his head on the edge of the couch. Seeing him made my nerves fade away.

"It's okay, Yoongz. Let's get this over with." Hobi whispers back into my ear and I look down at the ground and my legs go numb. "Guys, me and Yoongz have something to say." Hoseok said and I punch his arm for calling me Yoongz again.

"What is it that you and.. 'Yoongz' have to tell us?" Jimin says through gritted teeth and I give him a reassuring smile and go hold his hand.

"Well..." Hobi looks down at his feet at then at me and then he looks at Namjoon. "I- Yoongz wanted to say it, not me." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me forward.

"no!" I yell and everyone looks at us with confusion. I look at Jin and he gives me a questionable look and I nod at him to indicate that today is the day. He sinks back into the couch and tightens his grip on Namjoon's arm.

"Just tell us!" Tae yells at us. "I wanna know, you have me curious now!!"

"Right." Joon says and looks at me. "Tell."

"F-Fine.." I stutter and look back and forth at Jin and Jimin who both gave me worried looks. "W-we... We're... I-"

"We're werewolves!" Hoseok yells and then hides behind me. Wow, so much for wanting to tell them so badly.

Taehyung chuckles and Namjoon does the same. Jin and Jimin's eyes widened at the news of Hobi being one as well, and Jungkook just sits there confused as always.

"Really?" Joon says and slaps his knee with laughter. Jin hits Namjoon on the arm and stands up and hugs me and Hoseok.

"They're being serious, Joonie." Jin says and both Namjoon and Tae stop laughing.

Jimin stands up and hugs me tightly. "I'm glad you decided to finally tell them, Yoongi." He says and I hug him back and Tae stands up.

"I don't know what you mean by werewolf, but I'm glad you told us." Tae said as he hugged us and I chuckled lightly.

"Do you want to see what I mean?" I say and Jungkook stands up fast.

"I wanna see!" He runs up to me and pulls my sleeve very softly. Hoseok laughs and drags both Tae and Jungkook with his two arms and Jin runs over to grab Namjoon and we all head outside. Me and Hobi stare at each other.

How do we do this? I've never had someone ask me to change into wolf form before.

Hobi shrugged at me and began to take off his clothes in a fast pace causing Taehyung and Jin to cover their eyes. Everyone else just looked in shock. I began to do the same and soon enough we were ready to transform into wolves.

As we began to concentrate on our inner wolves, everyone looked at us like we were crazy. It took a second to finally get contact but soon enough, I could feel my bones starting to change in an unbearably painful way.

Yeah, turning into wolf form was one of the worst feelings I've ever experienced. But once you change into a wolf, you feel free and everything is so much clearer and better. It makes all of the pain worth it.

Hobi and I were finally in our wolf forms which were quite similar in a way. We both had black fur, but Hobi was a little bigger than I was and my eyes were more gold. His were a mix in gold and hazel but we were both amazingly breathtaking.

Everyone stood in silence after we had turned. Tae had his mouth wide open and Jungkook was just hugging his waist close to him with his big brown eyes shining behind Tae.

Jin sat there with a soft smile and Joon was so shocked that he didn't even notice that Jin was tugging his shirt to get his attention.

Jimin stood there and only looked at me.

He stared at me the whole time we changed. Even when Hobi started stripping, Jimin was looking at me. Used to, I would feel uncomfortable, but his soft eyes got to me and made me feel like I was floating in space.

Jimin made me feel at home and so he made it easier for me to turn into a wolf. He made everything easier these days. Even getting up early in the morning.


I don't know how it ended up this way, but the members accepted me and Hoseok. They thought that it was completely fine. They would have to get used to some things but other than that, they fully accepted us.

When everyone except me Jimin and Hoseok went back to their rooms, we all stood there and Hobi thanked me for doing what I did.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." Hoseok said and I nodded my head.

"Me too." I said and Hobi walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, seriously. I would've never done this if you weren't there to do it with me Yoongz." He said and then laughed once he saw Jimin with a pout on his face. He pulled Jimin in and hugged him too, causing us all to squeeze in and suffocate slowly.

"O-okay Hobi I think we're good." Jimin said and Hoseok let go of us and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Seokjin standing there with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"You did it, you really did it." He said as he wiped his eyes. I pulled him in and hugged him softly and he hugged me back. "Im so happy for you Yoongi, you have no idea."

"T-Thanks For always helping me through my problems Jin, you really helped me a lot."

"You're welcome! Of course I'll help you, you're my best friend Yoongi." He said and tightened his grip on me.

"You're my best friend too." I whispered and Hobi clicked his tongue.

"I heard that" He said and I smiled warmly.

I turn around and see Jimin already staring up at me. I pull him in for a short but loving hug and then pull him off of me. "You're so beautiful. You're perfect, baby.. Thank you for being here for me... I love you." I said and then pulled Jimin back in and kissed him by surprise. Jin and Hoseok both awed and left me and Jimin smiling into our kiss.

I feel so lucky to have such an amazingly accepting and loving family. I don't know what I would do without these dorks, I honestly can't see myself without them either.

I guess.. I just love all of them, Don't I?

The End

▪️i write yoonkook, taegi, yoonmin, yoonjin, and more!! so please follow me i have plenty of stories 🥺

▪️Twitter: @mai_tuga


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