Meeting Your First Soulmate...Kinda

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Meanwhile Loki's P.O.V (Your soulmark is that image)

I looked at the now knocked out woman on the floor and crept closer to her. I looked down at her and saw her wrist, my soulmark, was glittering brightly in the middle of it.

I felt my mark start to tingle the closer I got to her. I was anxious. This woman was my soulmate and I had just knocked her out. I'll have to explain myself to her later. I'm sure she'll understand.

I knew I was going to have to keep her in this coma for a little while, at least until I won the war. All I want is to win this war for this puny planet, keep this woman safe, and make her my queen. I know she's special, she couldn't have gotten this far without some sort of ability, I'll have to ask her once she wakes up.

I knelt down beside her and carefully took the black googles from her face and opened her eyes. They were a pretty (e/c) that sparkled in the light. I ran my hand over her soft smooth (s/c) skin and ran my hand through her (l/s) (h/c) hair. I looked at her (l/c) lips, they seemed to be beckoning me. I knew the tingling in my soulmark wouldn't stop until I did something so, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers.

They felt so soft and plump. I wish she would respond but for now, she was in a magic induced coma. I felt my soulmark stop burning so I, reluctantly, pulled away. I smiled as I brushed hair away from her beautiful face. I tucked her goggles in one of her pockets before I carried her over to one of the couches and laid her down. I used my magic to summon my cape and draped it over her.

I laid a kiss to her forehead before I heard the sound of metal thudding on the balcony. I quickly stepped away from my mate before facing the Man of Iron with a glare on my face.

Bad Luck Charm (Avengers x reader) On holdWhere stories live. Discover now