" recently I have been getting them more lately," I said we kept on walking into the forest until we reached a beautiful river we sat on a big rock next to it. We took off our shoes off and let our feet in the water it was warm surprisingly.
"Well it seems you're getting stronger Scarlett," SHe said looking at the sky

"How much do you know about the chosen one," I asked she looked at me

"Well, The chosen one is reincarnated everyone 100 years or more depending on how long they live majority have died before they even hit 25 because they had to go to war To fight the evil. Demon King and God had made a deal to prevent darkness overthrow both kingdoms and other species. You have lived many past lives, the twelve shadows those were you in your past lives they all have fallen because of Darker or have been killed because they were so focused on power and let power control them." She said Lightly placing her hand on mine. Demons are able to live for eternity until they dye by a disease or be killed. We stop aging around the early '25 but once you live a long life and have experienced a lot of crazy stuff you start to change and get older.

"Wow you know so much, I found my mother's diary about something that has been passed down to me," I said looking at a rabbit jump out of a bush

"What is this "Something"?" She asked confused

"My mother is a fallen angel, All I know is that there's a dark spirit in me because of the women on her side of the family," I said remembering that voice in my head

"I've never heard something about that, no chosen one has had something like that," She said confused

"Idk and it worries me because I could lose control of my powers if I don't master them," I said holding a tight fist.

"We'll have to ask the witches about or an older person that's lived longer to know your mom." She said

"You're right my father might have an idea I'll have to talk to him," I said but then I remembered my mother's diary

"Or maybe my mom can help me," I said lifting up my hand in front of me a gate open to another dimension I pulled out my mother's diary.

"Wow you can store things in another dimension," she said fascinated by my magic I giggled

"Yea but this is my mother's diary I found it in the basement were all our secrets and memories are stored," I said showing her the cover, I flipped through the pages seeing if there's the one explaining out this dark spirit. I stopped when I saw the words " Body Spirit" I stopped and read over the first page


Dear Diary,

    Today I talked to the grand Witch Teresa Alvaro, she told me our family has been cursed because of our sin, our ancestors had done a sin of falling in love with a demon, they were cursed down to hell and where cursed to live with an evil spirit that hunts them but what we didn't know was how powerful it really was. I still don't know how to keep it in control. Soon hopefully I'll get the answer for it.

                                        Sincerely Maria.

"Do you know a witch name, Teresa Alvaro?" I asked her she furrowed her eyebrows and then said

"Mmmm Oh wait I know who she is she helped figure out my magic, but I'll have to locate her because she likes to travel a lot," she said smiling brightly.

" She helped my mom but it feels like my mom is leaving out details." I said confused by it, she was probably afraid the book might've fallen into the wrong hands, so wasn't' much clear with it.

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