I got my answer when he came near me and jerked my head forward. He said "I'm tired of asking questions and not getting answers so I'm going to try something different." I was about to ask him what he meant but he pushed me back. When he pushed me back I hit my head on the floor and was dazed for a little bit. While I was on the floor I felt my hands being moved together and being chained. I also felt my feet being chained together. When I looked up I saw Alec leaving the cage.

How had I not noticed him coming in? Shouldn't my vampire or demigod hearing picked up some sort of noise from him? I was brought out of my thoughts by a kick to the stomach by Tartarus. I looked up at him and he just smirked. He kept kicking me and with every kick he said a word. He said "I'm. Tired. Of. This. Silence." He moved on to punching. "So. I'm. Just. Going. To. Have. To. Torture. You. Even. More. Until. You. Decide. To. Answer. My. Questions."

I just hung my head and stayed silent. I just hoped that my famy would come soon because I dont know how much longer I could deal with this.

Emmet's P.O.V
We were getting closer to the Volturi's throne room. (Where Percy is) I could faintly hear noise in there but I couldn't hear what anybody was saying. But I should've been able to hear it. I felt like there was something pushing down on me and it was dulling my senses.

So far we haven't seen any of the Volturi vampires. Which was weird but I wasn't going to complain about it if meant being able to get Percy quicker.

We were a few feet from the throne room doors when something came towards us. The person was covered in shadows. I couldnt see his face but I could see his armor. It was silver with little wisps of black smoke on the front. I got into a fighting stance, as did everyone else around me.

"Who are you?" I asked. The guy looked at me and said "I am Abaddon. The destroyer of powers." (He temporarily destroys or takes powers.)

"I have taken your powers. I have also taken that boy's powers to. Without you powers you will not succeed. You will fail to save that boy. You are vulnerable. It's like you are a human. You are able to bleed and die. You have no powers to protect you. You. Have. Nothing." As he was talking he slowly started to walk towards us. At the end of his sentence he was standing in front of the door.

I started to get worried. If he took Percy's powers then he might be in trouble. We had to save him but this guy was blocking us.

"We don't need our powers to beat you. We will win and we will save Percy." At the end of that we all ran and attacked Abaddon.

*********After the fight***********

It took us longer than it should've to beat him but we did. It was hard not being able to run fast or use our strength but in the end our anger at him gave us the power to beat him. When Abaddon died I could feel the strength return to my body. I felt that pressure leave me.

I wanted to test my strength and speed so I ran towards the door and ripped them open. Inside I saw a horrible sight. I saw Tartarus standing over a bloodied and bruised Percy Jackson.

Carlisle's P.O.V
I started in horror at the sight of my son. He looked so small. He was curled into a ball trying to protect his body.

When we ran into the room Tartarus was about to kick Percy again but stopped halfway and looked at us.

He smirked at us and started walking over. "You are to late. He will be dead soon. Give up now and I might let you leave peacefully." He said.

"That will never happen. We will keep Percy alive and we will beat you. Just like we beat Abaddon." Jacob said. Tartarus looked mad that we beat Abaddon but instead looked behind him. Soon Aro, Jane, and Alec stood by him. Jane and alec were dragging something behind them but I couldn't see it.

Tartarus nodded do them and they brought the thing in front of them. When I looked at it I saw that it was Percy. I gasped in horror as I saw the condition that he was in. Jane grabbed percy's hair and jerked his head up to look at us. When he saw us his eyes widened and he started struggling.

Tartarus punched hin in the stomach and Percy stopped moving. He looked at us and mouthed the word 'leave' to us. We all shook our heads no. He looked at us with pleading eyes. But we still said no. There was no way that I was going to leave him. Tartarus just looked at Percy and then he looked at Jane and Alec and nodded. They then threw Percy in front of us.

I looked over to Quil and Leah and nodded. They nodded back and ran to grab Percy. Tartarus didn't do anything to stop them and neither did the other 3 vampires.

I got in a fighting stance and I saw out of the corner of my eye everybody else do the same thing. Tartarus just looked at us and sneered. "I won't waste my time fighting you useless Cullens and wolves. You got away easy this time but you won't be so lucky next time. But know this..." He said as he faded away a long with Aro, Jane, and Alec. As he disappeared you could hear a whisper. It said "You were to late."

I relaxed and quickly moved to Percy's side a long with the rest of our group. I couldn't see all of Percy's wounds. But I saw enough to know that he was in trouble. If we didn't get him healed soon then he would die. But I won't let that happen. I will save my son.

I tore off pieces of his shirt and tied them around his major wounds. I looked up and saw that everybody was pale and had fear in their eyes. I stood up with Percy in my arms.

"We have to hurry. I don't know how much longer he has. We should be able to leave quickly. If Tartarus is gone then so should the Volturi. But we need to hurry." Everyone nodded and ran out.

We were able to leave safely. We met the group that was waiting outside and quickly left with them. No one said anything on the way back to camp. We were all relieved that we got Percy back. We were going to have go make a few stops along the way to camp to treat some of Percy's injuries. But at least we got out safely.

          At least I got my son back.

*Abaddon took away the things that made up a vampire and took a away a shifters speed. That is why the vampires and wolves were slower than usual and couldn't hear as well as they normally could. That is also why Percy didn't notice the vampires sneaking up on him. Percy's demigod powers and hearing were also gone. 

*That is also why Percy was able to bleed and why Rosalie was able to cry. Nobody said anything when she was crying because they were focused on saving Percy.

*Sorry, Abaddon wasn't in the story for a longer time.

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