The Battle part 1

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Carlisle's P.O.V
I was worried about Percy. When Rachel said the prophecy I saw Percy give his cousins a worried look. After the prophecy was said everybody left. I told my family that I would catch up with them later. I followed Percy because I wanted to see what was bothering him but as I got closer to him I saw that he was hitting a dummy with his sword.

I looked at his face and it appeared that he was thinking about something else. He had this far-away look in his eyes. I decided to talk to him later so I just left and went to talk to my family. I wanted to talk to them about Percy. I wanted to know how we could help him. Whether he wanted it or not we were going to help him.

Esme's P.O.V
After the prophecy was said our family and the wolves went back to the cabin. There were some things that I wanted to talk to them about but I waited for Carlisle to come back. I could see how everybody was nervous so I looked at Jasper and gave him a silent message with my eyes. He then nodded and almost instantly there was a feeling of peace in the room. A few minutes later Carlisle came back but he had a troubled look in his face. He then sat down and was silent for a moment. Then he opened his mouth to say something
"Can I ask you guys something?" Carlisle asked. Everybody nodded.

"Did you see how Percy reacted when the last line of the prophecy was said. I saw him give his cousins a worried look. So then I was going to talk to him about it but then I saw that he was in the arena hitting a dummy with his sword. But the weird thing was that he had this far away look in his eyes. I really want to help him. So I want to ask you guys a question. Will you join me in helping Percy get better. I don't want him to have to worry about dying and sacrifices. Will you help me?"

A chorus of 'yes' and 'of course' were heard throughout the room.
"Thank you."

"What are we going to do about the Volturi?" I asked. Everybody had a thoughtful face on.
"I think that we should fight the Volturi while the demigods fight the monsters because we might have a better chance at beating them." Jasper said. I nodded. Everybody started to get up to leave but before they could Rosalie started to say something.

She said "I'm worried about Percy. The prophecy made it sound like he's going to die and I don't want him to. I'm scared. What should we do?" Rosalie turned and started to cry into Emmet's chest. He hugged her and said sooting words in her ear. Rosalie had the best relationship with Percy. She thought of him as her little brother so the thought of him dying scared her. She wanted to protect him and keep him safe. She might've wanted to protect him a little more then the others.

"I think that we will have to just watch out for Percy. If we think he's going to do something crazy then we will try to stop him. If that doesn't work then I can try to use my shield to protect him." Bella said. Rosalie just nodded and put her head on Emmet's shoulder.
I don't think that Bella can protect people from physical harm but in this story she can. Please tell me if she can or can't protect people from physical harm.

"Ok so let's just train so we can be ready for an attack. Don't worry everybody will be safe." Carlisle said. So we all split off into groups. Carlisle, Sam, Leah, and I went to train in the arena.
**It's been a few days later.
Percy's P.O.V
I was still worried about the prophecy but I'm not as worried anymore. I was walking towards the cabin after eating lunch when I heard the horn blow 3 times. I quickly ran to the cabin and put on my armour. As I was running out I saw the Cullens and wolves running towards me.

"What is going on? What was that noise?" Jacob asked.
"It's a horn that we blow when there are monsters attacking us. Just follow me." I said. They nodded and started running again. When we got up to the hill I groaned. It seemed like monsters covered the bottom of the hill. Off to the side I saw some vampires. But they had red eyes. 'That's weird.' I thought.

"Why are some of the Volturi here?" Carlisle asked.
"Who are the Volturi?" I asked.
"They're the vampires that live in Italy. They are the leaders of all the vampires." Carlisle said.

"Ok you guys should go talk to them and once they leave you can come and help fight the monsters." I told the vampires. They nodded and ran away. Then I turned to the pack.
"You guys can come with me and fight. Be careful." They nodded and stood behind me as I addressed the demigods.

"Ok here's the plan. I want the older, more experienced campers to be in the front with me and the pack. Then I want the Apollo cabin to stay in the back and help heal the injured when they come to you. If you see an injured demigod or one of our allies that are hurt bring them in the camp and the Apollo cabin with help them. The Ares cabin will be behind the experienced campers. The..." I told them what the other cabins would do. When I finished I turned towards the monsters, yelled a battle cry, and ran down the hill with the demigods running behind me.

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