"Gentlemen, please -- please!" the assistant cried "Break it up, there, gents, break it up --"
Hagrid marched toward them and in an instant he pulled the two apart, Lucius still holding the girl's book yet seconds later he tossed it back to the girl.

"Here, girl -- take your book -- it's the best your father can give you --" he sneered pulling himself out of Hagrid's grip beckoning Draco and Aria to follow him. So reluctantly she followed.
After bidding goodbye to her mother and reaching the train in time for departure, Aria and Draco climbed onto the train quickly going their separate ways. Yet as Aria walked through the hallways peeking into compartments she sighed in defeat when she didn't find one notice of Harry, Ron or Hermione.

"Aria!" Hermione exclaimed causing Aria to make a pit stop and turn on her heels to see the young brown haired girl rushing towards her happily the girl swung her arms around her friend.
"Hermione!" Aria laughed hugging her friend back surprised.
"Oh thank goodness you are here!" Hermione gushed
"We saw each other yesterday Hermione, you knew I was going to be here."
"I know, I know. It's just I can't seem to find Harry nor Ron anywhere."

"What do you think they did?" Aria wondered tilting her head to the side.
"Why do you automatically assume they did something?" Hermione furrowed her eyebrows confused.
"Come on Hermione, this is Harry and Ron we are talking about. Do you not remember anything that happened last year? What do you suppose it is this time? Flying car? Stole a dragon? Hippogriff? Or did they just miss the train?"
"Well let's hope it's not the last one, not that I would advise it but at least the first three could get you to Hogwarts."
"I hope it's a Hippogriff, perhaps they could get me one." Aria hummed causing Hermione to roll her eyes.

"Were they with you getting on the train Ginny?" Hermione asked the young girl next to her which Aria just now realized causing a flash of embarrassment to rush over her.
"They were with us at the platform but not on the train." Ginny replied.
"Ginny, this is --"
"Ace," Ginny replied with a short nod which caused Aria to raise an eyebrow at the nickname but realizing what she said Ginny's face turned red, "I mean Aria."
"It's nice to meet you Ginny." Aria replied.
"You too Aria." Ginny smiled.
After the sorting, to which Ginny got sorted into Gryffindor, as well as the feast. Harry and Ron were still no where to be found.

Until, Hermione and Aria headed up to the common room where they saw them at the fat lady's painting.

"There you are! Where have you been? The most ridiculous rumors —someone said you'd been expelled for crashing a flying car."
"Well, we haven't been expelled." Harry assured her.
"You're not telling me you did fly here?"
"I called it!" Aria exclaimed earning a glare from Hermione who quickly opened her mouth to lecture the boys.
"Skip the lecture," Ron commented impatiently cutting the girl off "and tell us the new password."
"Oh, it's 'wattlebird'" Aria informed with a short nod.

"That's not the point--" Hermione began again but her words were cut short and the portrait of the fat lady swung open and loud clapping filled their ears. The whole house was still awake as arms reached through the portrait hole and pulled Harry and Ron inside, leaving the girls to climb through.
"Brilliant!" Lee yelled "Inspired! What an entrance! Flying a car right into the Whomping Willow, people'll be talking about that one for years —"

The twins pushed their way to the front of the crowd and together spoke, "why couldn't we've come in the car, eh?"
Aria noticed Harry nudged Ron and nod in Percy's direction.
"Got to get upstairs -- bit tired," Ron said pushing their way toward the door which led to the boys room.

"Night!" Harry called back to Hermione and Aria
"Goodnight!" Aria called back to which Hermione looked over at her flabbergasted a slight scowl on her face like Percy's.
"What?" Aria whined as she trailed after Hermione who had turned on her heels shaking her head, stomping off to the girls bedrooms.
Her feet hit the ground as she ran to the great hall, break with a banshee grasped in her hands as she slowed her pace when she reached the double doors and down the rows of tables searching for her friends.

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