bonus 9: concert

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"(Name)? What are you doing here?" one of the stylists asked noticing her presence.

She looked up to the source of the voice and weakly smiled, "Supporting my boyfriend!"

"You look sick, are you okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry. Is there a monitor or something where I can watch the concert?"

The stylists pointed towards a television screen. She laid down on the couch and silently began watching the concert. Her head started pounding even more despite downing a few pain killers earlier and her body felt weak and cold. She eventually closed her eyes not being able to keep them open anymore.

The concert had ended and the members slowly filed into their waiting room exhausted. Jimin, being the first to enter, quickly noticed her on the couch.

"What is she doing here? She should be at home resting," he said out loud worriedly before walking towards her quickly.

"Is she sick? She doesn't look too good," Taehyung said seeing her on the couch.

Jimin gently set his hand on her forehead, "She's burning up."

"Hey (Name)," Jin said softly nudging her a little, "Why are you here?"

She opened her eyes and slowly sat herself up, "I'm cold."

"Let her use my jacket, it's the thickest," Yoongi said concerned.

"Where is Jungkook?" Namjoon asked as he watched worriedly.

Jimin quickly got Yoongi's jacket and wrapped it around her. Namjoon started heading out of the room to find Jungkook but stopped once he saw Jungkook enter.

Jungkook strolled in typing on his phone before Namjoon got his attention, "Jungkook, for heaven's sakes, why is (Name) here? She's sick."

Jungkook looked up quickly and saw the scene in front of him. His girlfriend wrapped up in multiple jackets that Jimin had put on her and her face was nothing but pain. His eyes soften and he quickly went to her.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook said softly as he squatted down in front of her.

"I came," she said softly looking at him.

Jungkook quickly hugged her and leaned her body against him as he sat on the couch. Hoseok came in with a bottle of water and cold medicine he had run out to get earlier upon seeing her. Jungkook carefully helped her take a drink of water along with the medicine.

Jin sighed, "Jungkook how could you allow her to come."

"Did you not know she wasn't feeling well?" Taehyung asked.

"He knew but he still pushed her to come," Jimin answered.

Namjoon watched and sat down on the other couch with a sigh, "You should take her home now. Take our manager's car."

"Make sure you take care of her before leaving, it's the least you can do," Jin said to him.

Jungkook nodded and picked up his girlfriend carefully. Jimin and Hoseok followed after him to help her get in the car. After setting her in and closing the door, Hoseok stopped him for a minute.

"I don't know what was going through your head when you insisted on her coming when she told you she wasn't well but it's childish of you to guilt trip her into coming when she is sick. Apologize to her and mean it."

Jungkook nodded and got into the car. As he drove, guilt was building up inside of him. Once he pulled into a parking spot, he got her out carefully and carried her into her apartment before setting her on the bed.

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