The new house

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Chapter 1

I woke up on a stage with flashing lights beating down on me. The bright light shining on my face blinds me. My vision is becoming clear and I see all around me. A huge audience standing in front of me like a sea full of waves. The crowd was chanting my name.

"Georgia! Georgia! Georgia!"

I stand up and look proudly at the crowd. I notice the mic headset sitting on top of my head. I'm going to sing. This is my time to shine. I open my mouth about to sing. Then...

"Georgia! wake up!" I heard a voice say. "Breakfast is ready!" Said Alice.

Alice is my nanny. But I don't see her as my nanny. I see her as family, like a big sister that looks out for me. Shes been with me ever since my parents died. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

"Where are we going mommy?" I said with a grin on my face.

"We are going to the dentist. After we're done we will go get ice cream." My mom said. She turns around and smiles at me and put her hand on my crossed legs, giving it a few pats.

"It'll be your treat since you've been a brave girl going to the dentist." My father said with light in his voice.

My parents were golden. My mom was beautiful. A lot of people said we look a like. She had short blond hair that went up to her chin line. She had dark chocolate eyes that I loved the most about her. My dad had short blond hair that was wavy and smooth. He had blue eyes that were light as the sky. I got my moms looks but I got my dads eyes. A lot of people say they want my eye color.

"When are we going to get there?" I questioned.

"We are going to get the-" My mom cut in.

"Look out!"

Then another car crashed into us.

The window to my side cracked into pieces and flew everywhere. One piece of glass flew into my throat. Then I blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital with wires and bandages in my throat. I was about to scream and panic but nothing came out.

"Hi, Georgia." Said the doctor coming in. He smiled at me for a few seconds then he frowned, looking serious.

"I'm sorry to say this're parents didn't make it. He looked down at his clip board and began to write. "You lost your voice during the crash. So you're a mute now." He said sadly. "Ill be back to check on you. If you need anything press the button next to your bed." He quickly walked out the door. I could hear his footsteps going down the hallway.

I didn't notice that tears were streaming down my face. Why does this have to happen to me? I questioned myself. I have nothing.

A few minutes later I heard footsteps coming towards my door. It's the doctor. the door opened to appeared be a young lady. She had brown curly hair going down her waist line. She had a dress with blue, purple, and hot pink flowers on it. She had silver heels that made her look tall. Then I saw her face. She had a firm jaw line, a tiny nose, perfect eye brows, and bright green eyes. Her eyes were a green rainforest color. She was beautiful.

"My name is Alice." She said smiling at me. "I'm going to be your teacher and nanny." She said in a calming tone. "Ill be teaching you how to communicate with sign language and writing." She's going to teach me? I thought. hopefully she's nice.

"I'm sorry for your lost, dear. But don't worry. I'm going to be here for you all the way." She said softly.

She was right. She has always been there for me. I let out a heavy breath and got up. Stretching my arms above my head, I got out of bed. I walk out the door and start to head to the bathroom.

I use the can and started to brush my teeth. I grab my hair brush and started to get the tangles out. After a few minutes I open the door and head down stairs.

The smell if food hits my nose. Bacon. I ran down the stairs and skip two steps of stairs so I can get there quicker. I ran through the living and got to the kitchen. I already have a plate sitting at the table. I grab a chair and dig in.

My favorite bacon, eggs, and butter milk pancakes with the side of apple juice. I take a few bites and look at alice. She smiles at me.

"Had a goodnight sleep?" She asks. I nod my head and turn back to my breakfast.

"Today we're going to the park then we are going to get ice cream. After that we can go to the music store and head back home. Do you like the plan?" She said as she sat in front of me. I motion my hands telling her that I love the idea. She nods and eats her breakfast.

I get up and start to walk to my music room. My music room just has a piano. But of course I don't mind. I sit in the chair and start to play a soft tune. Just like morning schedule. Playing the piano in the morning then going to adventure the city. Life can be hard but in the end we will smile.

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