Ch. 27: It's Not That Hard

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"Amy, what's your opinion on Justin?"

"He's never happy. He's rude and boring. He doesn't like to talk to other people other than his friends and he's just judgemental" she said.

"Everyone hates you" I said.

"That's two people"

"How much proof do you need?"

"A lot"


No one clapped their hands but Chaz. I just laughed so hard inside. it was mean to Justin but he deserved it.

"Fuck you all" he spat.

"Nice trying to 'clean your image'." I said.

"Fuck you too" he said in annoyance. He finally left and now I'm just bored.. there's no one to hangout with.


Ariana's POV

"I'm still laughing at him. It's too funny" Karson laughed through the phone.

"Why would you embarrass him like that?"

"He deserves it."

"Ya but now people aren't afraid"

"And what's wrong with that?"

"I don't know... it's just... never mind."

"Is it because he does things for you when you guys are together? Like if you spill water he makes someone else do it so you don't have to?"

"I want to say no because it sounds rude but kinda..."

"But he's such an ass"

"But you shouldn't have done that"

"I was doing it for you. You said you didn't want to stay because of him so I just got him to leave."

"Thanks, but you don't have to"

"Gotta go, I need to start cleaning up"

"Okay bye"

Justin is bad for me. I shouldn't want him because I don't need him in my life.

Who am I kidding. I miss him more than anything but I'm too afraid to admit it. Why do I want him even if he's a jerk?

Is it because he tried to change for me? but I don't want him to change for me. It makes me sound so selfish and I like him the way he is... even if he is mean.

I want to like him for him... not what I want him to be. A part of me really wants him but a part of me doesn't because he can hurt me again.

But anyways, mom and dad are still really mad at me for saying I really wanted them to die in that car crash. I think dad said mom was crying. It's not my fault they're being complete jerks.

I love them but I don't like how the work their rules. Like I can't hang out with who I want, I hang out with the people they approve of which is just not right.

I'm a human being on earth and like any other person, I have rights. But apparently I don't have rights until I'm 18 which is a year and a half from now.

Yes, I still like Justin even if the whole thing was fake... but I don't know, it's like he changed in a good way. But if I tell dad that, he's gonna kill Justin. Mom and dad obviously hate Justin.

But what will they even do though? all dad ever said was 'I don't want him near you' and when I asked him what he would do if I dated him, he didn't really answer.

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