This will be the day Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

Yang: Are you going to just let them take her?

Qrow: It was her choice.

As the airship takes off, Blake and Sun are just arriving. Blake sees Yang and runs to her.

Blake: Yang! You're ok.

Yang: We have to do something! We can't just let them take her.

Qrow doesn't move and just continues to watch the airship as it flies away: Wait for it.

Yang: Wait? Wait for what?!

Blake and Sun: What is going on? They are all watching the sky when suddenly there is a loud bang like the sound of lightning striking. The plane engine has burst into flames and the plane crashes hard. It is hard to see anything through the thick smoke of the crash.

Qrow: For that. Come on. They all rush over to the site of the plane crash. No one is moving except for Raven. She walks through the smoke toward Qrow and Yang.

Raven: I told you I knew what I was doing.

Qrow: Come with us.

Yang: Mom?

Raven: I have to go. She opens a portal to leave.

Yang: Where are you going?

Raven: Home. She steps through the portal and disappears.

Blake: What do we do about all of them?

Qrow: Someone call Ironwood. We'll leave these guys to him. Come on. Let's go.

Back at Dr. Watson's home, Ruby is finally awake. Oscar called for the doctor as soon as she opened her eyes.

Dr. Watson: Miss Rose, it is good to see you are awake. How do you feel?

Ruby: It hurts. What happened?

Dr. Watson: You don't remember?

Ruby: I remember, uuhh. Oh no! Dad! Yang! Are they ok?

Dr. Watson: Calm down Miss Rose. Right now, you are the one I am concerned about. Will everyone please excuse us while I have a good look at my patient.

Everyone else including Oscar leaves the room. They are all waiting in the living area when Yang, Qrow, Blake and Sun arrive.

Jaune: I am so glad to see you back Yang. Tell us what happened.

Yang: There isn't much to tell. I guess they wanted to use me to get to my mother.

Blake laughs: She sure showed them!

Yang: I really wish she had come back here with us.

Qrow: I think she had other people she wanted to check on. I think she will be back.

Yang: Really? How do you know?

Qrow: She is my sister and because Salem isn't finished here.

Sun: What makes you say that?

Qrow: Because she was hoping to get her hands on the other two relics before going after the one here in Atlas. No one mentioned the Summer maiden, and no one attempted to access the vault. We aren't done here yet.

Dr. Watson emerges from the room and finds everyone waiting to hear his updates.

Oscar: Doctor, how is Ruby?

Dr. Watson: She is doing very well. I expect she will make a full recovery, but I can not be certain of that so soon after surgery.

Yang: Doctor, what happened to my dad?

Dr. Watson: I repaired his injuries. There was a great deal of damage to his abdomen including his bowels, liver and spleen. He made it through the surgery, but he is still in critical condition. I will be monitoring him closely. You may go and sit with him if you like. The next couple of days will tell us whether or not he will pull through. I am sorry. I wish that I had better news for you.

Everyone gathers around Yang to comfort her.

Qrow: Can we see Ruby now?

Dr. Watson: Of course, go right in.

Qrow: Come on Yang. I'm sure that she will be very happy to see you.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow, Yang! I'm so glad to see you both. Yang? Are you ok? Why are you crying? Is it dad? Did he...

Qrow: Your dad is stable for now Ruby. When you are up to it, you can go see him.

Yang: I'm sorry Ruby. I just thought...I just about lost all of my family today. We are all still alive; that is all that matters. What happened to you?

Ruby: The last thing that I remember was seeing dad... and then Adam taking you ... after that I blacked out. The doctor said someone shot me in the back.

Yang: I should have realized. They separated us on purpose. It was the old divide and conquer strategy. We can't let that happen the next time.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? What happened? How did we do?

Qrow: We aren't done yet Ruby.

Ruby: If the battle isn't over, then why are all of you here?

Qrow: Let's call it a time out. They will be back. Raven did her part to help.

Yang: Mom crashed their airship.

Ruby: Is she ok?

Yang: Yeah, she is fine.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? What do we do now?

Qrow: You just get well. We've got it all under control for now.

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