~PART ONE~ [Chapter 5] Blacked Out

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Author's Note: Okay, so I don't know if it's just something with my computer or if it has to do with the website, but it's not showing the full chapter on the computer. However, it's fully there on the app, so, I don't know. So I guess if you can, read this chapter on the app. You'll get the full story. Thanks! -rac06h10ael

It was after school and the guys and I were hanging out at Pete's apartment. I never really noticed it before, but Lexy was right, it did smell like piss and alcohol. Joe and Pete were playing a video game and Andy was waiting for one of them to lose to get his turn. As for me, I had gotten my hands on a bottle of whiskey and was sipping it casually, thinking about Lexy and the move. Andy must've noticed my bummed-out-ness and made his way over to me.

"Hey," He greeted, sitting down beside me on the floor. I didn't say anything, just kept my eyes locked on the wall I'd been staring at and took another sip of the whiskey. "So...um...want to talk about whatever's gotten you down?" I saw him eyeing the bottle of alcohol in my hands. He didn't like drinking, but he wasn't going to tell me not to. Even if I was underage.

"Not really, Andy," I retorted.

Silence fell over us for a little while. The only sounds in the apartment were the whirring of the window fan blowing cool air into the apartment even though it was the middle of October and the sounds from Pete and Joe's video game, which I believe was the newest Grand Theft Auto release, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.

"Does this have anything to do with something Spencer or Dallon did or say?" Andy attempted to guess what was upsetting me.

I chuckled before putting the bottle up to my lips, "I wish." I downed the last of the alcoholic beverage and squeezed my eyes, slamming the bottle down on the ground and standing up. "Hey, guys, I'm going to go, alright? I'll see you tomorrow in school." I tried to walk to the door but ended up tripping on my feet and falling into the wall.

As I peeled myself off of the wall, I felt someone grab my shoulders. I looked to my left and saw Pete, a worried look on his face. He and I just stared at each other for a little before he sniffed in and asked, "Dude, have you been drinking?"

"He finished off whatever this was," Andy informed him, picking the empty bottle of whiskey off of the ground and handing it to him.

"What? I bought that yesterday!" He scolded me, smacking me upside the head. I rubbed where he hit and glared back at him. "Yeah, you're not going anywhere, Patrick. Sit down," He demanded.

"No," I argued, "I'm going home."

"You can barely stand up, Patrick!" Joe exclaimed just as I lost my balance and fell into Andy's arms.

"Yeah," Pete laughed, "You're not going home, Pattycakes."

"Stop fucking calling me that! You know I hate it!" I yelled, ripping myself away from Andy and walking over to Pete's apartment door. I grabbed the doorknob to leave when the world around me began to fade in and out of focus. The next I know, my eyelids became heavy and I succumbed to the darkness that surrounded me.



My eyes fluttered open to a fuzzy world. I squinted my eyes and realized Pete was standing at my feet, shaking my legs. Behind him was what I recognized to be his bedroom, with posters lining the white walls. I moved my hands and realized I was lying on his bed.

"Where am I?" I groaned, pain pulsating from my forehead. I pressed my hand against it in an attempt to make the pain go away.

"My room. You blacked out. Andy and Joe left a few hours ago," He answered me, handing me my glasses. I took them and slipped them on, the fuzzy world clearing up.

"Oh my god, I came here as soon as I could,"  Lexy's voice sounded, "You know, trying to sneak out without my dad noticing isn't that easy when he stays up all night worried something bad is going to happen again." Pete looked back and I was able to see her walk in through the bedroom doorway. Her hand was in a bag from CVS, the bag slung over her arm, and she pulled out a bottle of strong painkillers, "Here, I got these for him. Catherine helped me pick out which ones work best."

"Lexy," I muttered as I sat up on my elbows. She smiled at me before Pete walked over to her and whispered something in her ear. She nodded her head in understanding and looked over at me.

"So...how are you feeling?" She asked me, walking over and sitting down on the edge of the bed. I shrugged my shoulders. She gave me a disapproving look before saying, "Pete told me you were drinking today. I thought you promised something like last time wouldn't happen again." She placed her hand on my thigh.

"I promised-" I started to say when Pete cut me off.

"Here, you might want to take these. It'll help with the hangover," He handed me a glass of water and two pills. I took them into my possession.

I heaved a sigh and popped the pills into my mouth, washing them down with the water. "Thanks." I gave the glass to him and he left the room. I looked over at Lexy and finished what I was saying before, "I promised I wouldn't get drunk and crazy. I never promised I wouldn't drink again. And...you know I only drink when things stress me out."

Lexy rolled her eyes, "You shouldn't be drinking, period. You're only in high school."

"I'm not the only high schooler who drinks!" I defended myself. Lexy crossed her arms. "Whatever, what time is it?" I changed the subject.

"About midnight," Pete replied nonchalantly as he returned to the room and sat down on the other side of the bed.


"You blacked out, Patty-" He started to say when he caught himself, "Patrick. You've been out this entire time."

I clutched my hair and rose to my feet, "My mom is probably worried sick!"

"Already took care of it," Pete reassured me, "I had Andy and Joe stop by your house and tell your mom you were going to spend the night here because I didn't know when you were going to wake up, or if you were even going to wake up." I hung my head in shame. "Patrick, what the hell made you do something so stupid?"

I looked down at Lexy and, while looking at her, replied to Pete, "I was pissed. I wasn't thinking about anything but one thing. And that one thing was that I'm going to lose my best friend within a matter of days and there's nothing I, or anyone else, can do to stop it."

"Wait...what?" Pete retorted, getting up for himself.

I broke my stare with Lexy and looked over at Pete, "So they told my mom I was spending the night here?" I tried to change the subject.

"That doesn't answer my question, Patrick."

"I'm the friend he's going to lose, okay?" Lexy snapped, being the last one to stand up. She glanced over at Pete and added, "My dad's making Cath and I move to New Jersey with him for...for reasons I don't understand." She crossed her arms over her chest and hung her head.

"You're...you're moving, Lex?" Pete asked, obviously shocked by this news.

"How many fucking times do you want me to say it, Pete?" She retorted harshly, probably because she was just upset.

"Sorry," He apologized, "I just...I can't believe it."

"Neither can I," She murmured, heaving a sigh, "Speaking of moving and my dad, though, I need to get going before he notices I'm gone. So, I'll see you guys later." She gave me a quick hug before walking out. But before she left, she popped her head back into the bedroom and shot her index finger in Pete's direction, "Make sure he doesn't get his hands on anymore alcohol, got it?"

"Got it," He replied with a nod of the head. A smirk appeared on her face before she left the apartment for real this time. Pete looked over at me and sighed, "And in response to your question, yeah, they did tell the mom you were spending the night, but lucky for you I convinced them not to tell her it's because you blacked out, so...you're welcome for that." There was a small pause before he added, "Now, you can either sleep here or on the couch. Either one's cool with me."

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