~PART ONE~ [Chapter 12] Leave Me Alone

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Author's Note: Hey guys! So if you didn't noticed, I added ~PART ONE~ to all the chapter titles (thanks to my awesome sister @iloveianfromSMOSH for continuing adding them when I had to leave the house). I did that because there's this one point in the story later on where things kind of shift and I was stuck between the decision of making a sequel out of those chapters or just keeping it one book and making different parts (obviously I went with the different parts). Anyways, I just wanted to tell you guys why that is and...yeah. I hope you like this chapter and thanks for reading! -Rachael

It was Monday and it was the first time I saw my friends since we separated at Elisa's party. The four of us were walking down the hallway when Andy asked me, "Where did you go, Patrick?"

"What do you mean?" I retorted, glancing over at him.

"You weren't there at the end of the party," Joe explained, joining in on the conversation.

"Yeah, we spent a good hour after the party was shut down by the cops looking for you in Elisa's house," Pete added, "We couldn't find you anywhere."

"I went home," I answered, leaving out the part about Elisa coming with me. I mean, I didn't remember it, and when I asked her she just laughed and said I was cute, but I was pretty sure it happened if I woke up next to her the morning after.

The guys made a sound of acknowledgement in unison, just as we crossed paths with Panic! and their girlfriends, minus Catherine. And Brendon. I wonder where he was or if he was in school today. I made eye contact with Elisa, but she didn't look at me. She was snuggled up against Spencer as if what happened between us never happened. I wondered if Spencer knew what happened.

Once they passed by us and were down the hall a little ways, Marie, who also walking with us, cleared her throat and whispered, "Did you hear that Elisa cheated on Spencer?"

"What?" Pete, Andy, and Joe replied in disbelief. I remained silent, my cheeks burning up as the school got a hundred degrees hotter.

"Yeah," Marie stated, looking over at me and saying, "Rumor has it that she left the house with the lead singer of Fall Out Boy around one in the morning." My three friends glanced over at me, "At least, that's what I heard some of the girls in the bathroom say."

"What? Wow..." I retorted nervously, tugging at the collar of my shirt. "Good thing it's just a rumor, right?"

"I thought you just went home, Pattycakes," Pete teased as he slung his arm around my shoulder and smirked. I ripped myself out of his hold.

"Wait...you slept with Elisa?" Joe questioned.

"I didn't sleep with her," I defended myself, "At least...I don't think I did. I barely remembered what happened. I was hammered."

"And that is why I do not drink," Andy blurted out, crossing his arms over his chest and looking over at me with a disapproving look.

"Patrick got la-aid. Patrick got la-aid," Pete began to sing, "Patrick got-" I elbowed him in the arm. "Ouch!" He exclaimed, the smile disappearing from his face and his little song coming to an abrupt end as he rubbed his arm in pain.

"I didn't get laid, we were both dressed...on the bottom," I added. A collective "ooh" fell over my friends. I rolled my eyes and turned the corner into a different hallway, not wanting to be interrogated by my friends anymore.

I walked into the guys' bathroom and walked up to one of the urinals when I heard the sound of someone crying. I raised my eyebrow and zipped up my fly, turning around and looking at the bottoms of the stalls for feet. There were none. But someone was in here, I knew it.

I approached the stalls and, though I will admit was creepy beyond belief, peeked through the cracks of the stalls. In the middle of the three stalls, I saw the silhouette of someone. I couldn't tell who that someone was though.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Didn't you read the sign outside?" Brendon's easily recognizable voice replied to me angrily, "It says leave me alone!"

"Brendon? What are you doing in here crying?" I further questioned.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He wailed.

"It's the boys' bathroom, Brendon. You can't just keep people out with a sign that I didn't even see that says 'leave me alone'."

The stall door flew open, actually hitting me in the face, and as I stumbled back and covered my hands with my face, Brendon rushed out. I lowered my hands and watched as he opened the bathroom door and pointed to the piece of lined paper taped to the door that read in heavy black pen Leave Me Alone.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized.

Brendon slammed the door shut and spun around so he was facing me, "Want to know why I'm in here?" I just stared at him blankly, afraid he was going to beat me up. He stepped towards me and continued, "I'm in here because my heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest and I don't think I'll ever get it back."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Why is that?"

He heaved a sigh and leaned up against one of the sinks that lined the wall, "I miss Catherine. Like...a lot. And you know what? She didn't decide to tell me until the day she was leaving. The day she was fucking leaving." He shook his head and kicked the ground, "She didn't even give me the chance to tell her I loved her or that I was going to miss her."

"I-I'm so sorry, Brendon."

He stumbled forward and wrapped his arms around me tightly,  "I miss her so much, Patrick!" He cried into my shoulder. I slowly hugged him back.

I wondered what would happen if someone were to walk in and see us. Would they think we're dating? That would be awkward...lead singer of Fall Out Boy dating the lead singer of Panic! At The Disco. Wait, they wouldn't know I'm the lead singer of Fall Out Boy. So it would be the lead singer of Panic! At The Disco dating a loser who goes to high school with him, they wouldn't even know my name. Wait...why am I going so deep into thought about this?

We stood there for a little longer before the bell for class rang. "Hey, um...the bell just rang," I informed him.

"Don't leave me alone!" He begged, holding me tighter. I swear, if he held me any tighter, he was going break one of my ribs.

"Brendon, I really should-" I tried to say when the door swung open and Brendon immediately took a step back away from me, slugging me across the face. I clutched my cheek and stumbled back into the sink, taking it down with me. Water started spraying everywhere. I struggled to get to my feet when a strong hand picked me up. I wiped the water off of my glasses and noticed that the strong hand belonged to Spencer.

I chuckled nervously, "Oh, hey, Spencer."

He glared at me before launching his fist at my face.

After The Dance (FOB FanFic ft. Panic! At The Disco)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon