Should I move? Should I turn back?

I decide on the latter. However, the moment I shift to turn around and go back out, their gazes immediately shift towards me in unison like a pack of wolves.

"April!?" Damien says, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.

"I see the entertainment is here," Damien's father slyly acknowledges me. "I'll see myself out."

He looks at Damien up and down, however, Damien's eyes are still trained on me. Damien's father grabs his jacket from the couch and angrily walks out past me. There is a moment of silence between Damien and me.

"What are you doing here April?"

"Is everything ok?" I ask noting his appearance.

It has only been a week since I last saw him, and he definitely looks like things have taken a toll on him since we saw each other last. My feet finally allow me to move, and I walk towards him.

"I'm fine. Just my father being his usual self. But... what are you doing here?"

In the midst of all the drama, I lost a grip on my anger and completely forgot what I was going to say to him.


"I'm... I'm angry with you," I finally say and walk away from him.

"Is that so?"

He has an amused look on his face.


I ferociously turn back to look at him. The smug look is still on his face. I angrily walk back and poke him in the shoulder.

"How dare you?"

"How dare I?"

"How dare you both?"

All of my arguments and talking points that I had been practicing with myself on my way here have all fled my brain. I try to think off all the things that I was angry about while coming here, but I cannot form a coherent thought to save my life.

"Is there something you wanted to say April?"

"Yes! F... Fuck you!"


I slowly meet his eyes, and he raises a single eyebrow at me in a challenge. He quickly wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against him, his growing erection pushing against my stomach.

"What was that?" he challenges.

"You heard me."

"No. I don't think I did."

"You say that I am the one playing games, but you are the one initiating them."

He gives an exasperated sigh and slowly released. Damien slumps on the couch and rakes his hand through his hair.

"Fair enough," he concedes. "make your peace."

I sit down next to him on the couch. My thoughts finally becoming somewhat comprehensible.

"It's not fair what you both did back there."

"Isn't it. One minute you're telling us you want to be all in and the next... the next you're running away."

"I never said I was embarrassed about we shared... share."

"What else are we to think when you flip your emotions back and forth. One moment it's yes, then it's no."
Damien stands and begins pacing.

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